[or-roots] Frances (Hoffman) Kiezer

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Thu Feb 4 19:23:31 PST 2010


I have seen some of that information, but not the obit entry. That is
exactly what I was looking for. I spent about four hours going through two
reels at the library. The first reel was stupidity on my part as I knew he
had to have been buried sometime in late December since that was when the
final disposition of the grave was dated. For some reason I didn't think to
ask the young lady at the cemetery office what his burial date was or that
of Frances.

The board membership entries are all over the internet, I got about fifty
hits or more for Ennis Keizer when I searched for him and almost all of them
were for that. Except either one or two obits, I think I got one for a
brother and one for a son, or some such.

Thank you very much, I can go back and look again, I tend to nod off when
skimming the film rolls and probably slept through that date.

Les C

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Lee Adams
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 6:38 PM

Les, Index to Obituaries, I you think you seen this already, but I don't
know where to go from there?

1998 Index to Obituaries
BRENIMAN JR, Clifton R; 78; Fort Collins CO>Coos Bay OR; 1998-3-19. BREWER,
James M; 95; ..... KEIZER, Dr Ennis; 90; Keizer>North Bend OR; 1998-12-30
www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~orcoos/98index.htm - Cached - Similar
KEIZER, Dr Ennis; 90; Keizer>North Bend OR; 1998-12-30

Brown corpus - The University of Arizona, Tucson Arizona
In reply, Deputy Police Commissioner Howard R. Leary said that the city
spends more ...... Roy Webster, of Hood River, and Dr. Ennis Keizer, of
North Bend, ...
dingo.sbs.arizona.edu/~hammond/ling696f-sp03/browncorpus.txt - Similar
Board oks pact the commission, meeting for the first time with both of its
newly-appointed commissioners, Roy Webster, of Hood River, and Dr. Ennis
Keizer, of North Bend, approved a year's contract for a consultant in the
data processing department who has been the center of considerable
controversy in the past.


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