[or-roots] My Oregon Pioneer

Dan M mygenrw2 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 08:19:04 PST 2010

My first pioneer who was on the 1843 trail was Walter J Matney.
He rode a mule and was of fun of people making jokes.
He was also the one in the fuss with Nesmith over that mule .
There is a story about that in a few articles I have collected.
 I went the the Nesmith cemetery years ago and took a lot of pictures and 
have them all to add back to my website one day.
   Once I saw a note that said for the beginning of the trail to start in 
Sapling grove that is now Kansas but I dont recall where I got that note 
from just off hand.

The thing that bothers me is the paper trail for Walter has a probate, and I 
have that.
I just dont understand why I cant get a idea of his burial.

In the Article Alturas ( Doris Bridge) I have the article for Sam K Matney, 
called Tule `E Dad, and also mentions there is a old picture of the sherrif 
at that time with hin in it, also that he scapled Indians to show they were 
not the only ones who could do that.

There is info about Walter and Sam raising pigs living in a cave in Jess 
valley and that Sam is buried there, since there are no stones I dont know 
just where, some one once said they knew and would send me a picture but 
never did, might have been because I was offline 7 months just after that.

Seems if there was a probate there ( must ) be more paper work some place.

Other Pioneers are Walters dad and Brothers, not all were listed so far as 
Ican find out on the trails. James Madison Matney was a scout who led the 
trains from Salt Lake to Oregon, dont see mch on him either.

Dan M - ramblings - ;) 

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