[or-roots] to ditto or not to ditto

W David Samuelsen dsam52 at sampubco.com
Sun Apr 8 18:39:39 PDT 2012

do it in feedback after the index is released. Family researchers know 
best, the next group who know best are closest friends who knew them.


On 4/8/2012 7:07 PM, Leslie Chapman wrote:
> Yes, if you can clearly read what the census taker wrote, you are required to spell it just the way it is in the record, I have a dispute with my arbitrator over whether De Loris had a space in it or not, but that was how either Delores spelled her name, or the census taker thought it should be spell so that is the way I wrote it, the arbitrator removed the space but left the L in caps which is certainly right.

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