[or-roots] Palatines

Verdena Veelle vveelle at molalla.net
Wed Aug 22 21:07:02 PDT 2012

I am way behind here but I was sick for about a year and half.
I got some of those roses and they were doing very well.  The deer 
didn't bother them last year although they ate up all the other roses.  
This year they decided they liked the old time roses as well, so they 
don't look as good as they used to.
Verdena Veelle
On 12/11/2011 11:09 AM, Walter Davies wrote:
> I should be pruning in February just let me know who an how many are wanted.
> Walt Davies
> Monmouth, Or
> On Dec 11, 2011, at 10:31 AM, "ViolaRae Kassing" <vkassing at minn.net> wrote:
>> Good to hear from you Walt.  I've been thinking about those roses of yours.
>> When you get around to pruning them this spring I'd sure like some cuttings.
>> Oops, many may not know Walt has vintage roses from way back in them there
>> days!
>> ViolaRae

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