[or-roots] Hunt ancestry in Oregon

Pearlsoup at aol.com Pearlsoup at aol.com
Sat Jan 28 13:32:18 PST 2012

Hi All,

At last a mention of my ancestors! I even have pictures of some of these 
folks and have been to the Mt. Hope cemetery to visit their graves. The 
daughter of G.W. is the author of "Book of Remembrances", Sarah Hunt Steeves and 
she wrote mainly about the Marion Co., OR pioneers. Temperance Estep is my 
direct ancestor, G.W., (George Washington Hunt), was brother to my grt 
grandfather, Marion Thomas Hunt and Nancy Smith was their stepmother. George 
married Elizabeth, his stepsister.
I have a copy of this publication as well as the book mentioned above and 
would love to share with any relatives also on this list.

Linda Purvis
Beaverton, OR

In a message dated 1/28/12 12:31:17 PM, opera_70 at yahoo.com writes:

> Anyone with connections to these folks that doesn't have this will 
> certainly want it;  Les C
> some of the wives mentioned; Temperance Estep, the widow Nancy Smith and 
> her daughter Elizabeth.
> Lockley, Fred,
> To Oregon by ox-team in '47 : the story of the coming of the Hunt family 
> to the Oregon country and the experiences of G.W. Hunt in the gold diggings 
> of California in 1849 
> Portland, Or.: F. Lockley, 1924, 17 pgs.
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