[or-roots] Crow area

Barbara Herring barbhg1221 at comcast.net
Sat Mar 10 15:32:12 PST 2012


You  wrote:  I am interested in the Crow’s that settled in or around Lane County, 
Oregon.  I have a number of them in data form, but no correlation as they 
appear to be randomly buried all over the area with no discernible pattern 
as yet.  There is even a small town that bears the family name. 
- -- - - - 
Some of my family grew up in and around the small town of Crow.  The town is named after the Andrew Jackson Crow (1808-1891) family (specifically one of his sons, if I remember correctly).  There is another Crow family in the area also, the John Crow (1796-18 69) family.  They may be related, but I don't yet know how.  It is a family that I need to do more work on (along with about a  zillion others).  Feel free to look at my West Lane Project file on Rootsweb to see if there is anything that helps you sort things out:  http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=wlp   

You will also see the name spelled Crowe.  The same person may be listed one time as Crow and another time as Crowe!! 

I would appreciate anything that you can offer on the family, too.   

Barbara Herring 

BarbHg1221 at comcast.net 

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