[or-roots] Portland - Pickler Welch family

Glen and Bonnie Jones glenkc7mbm at outlook.com
Wed Oct 18 12:19:57 PDT 2017

If I get the chance I will try to find something having a lot of health problems from a fall in the ice last December,  but still try to work on genealogy used to live in Portland but moved out of that corrupt town in 2015.

Sent from my Verizon HTC Smartphone

----- Reply message -----
From: "Babe Fain" <bfain at frontiernet.net>
To: "'or-roots mail list'" <or-roots at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: [or-roots] Portland - Pickler Welch family
Date: Wed, Oct 18, 2017 11:47 AM

Anyone from the Portland area.  I am looking for my Great Aunt and Uncle.  My Aunt name was Emma Paulene Pickler and her husband was  Herman Heinrich Walch.
Emma was teacher in public school and Herman was a proprietor of service station.  Their address was 1197 E. Yamhill in Portland.

Babe J. Pickler Fain

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