[or-roots] List inactivity

Roy Blaine royblaine at msn.com
Tue Sep 19 06:32:48 PDT 2017

If this is intended to be a roll call, I'm still here and seeing the new flurry of messages. Glad to have the list back.

My Oregon roots have lots of forks. On my Father's side, I recently discovered my father's oldest maternal uncles, Jelle "Jay" and Henry Pelmulder arrived fairly late (1890s) to the Echo and North Milton communities. My maternal grandfather's (Peter & Susan Darnell) family arrived in Cottage Grove during WW1, to where my grandfather arrived after return from Europe at the end of that war. His mother's cousins had been in the area of Vinson much earlier, however. Lastly, my maternal grandmother's family (Wheeler and Babcock) moved to Lane County after the Civil War and were loggers and farmers in southern Lane and northern Douglas Counties. 

/s/Roy Blaine
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