[or-roots] Looking for Edmund Hammarstedt

denisesproed at gmail.com denisesproed at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 16:21:31 PST 2023

You might try Baker County Oregon History and Genealogy (oregongenealogy.com) <http://www.oregongenealogy.com/baker/>   if you have not already.


It is difficult to tell if he went to Idaho or Washington perhaps? Or did he die on a visit back to Sweden? Trying to think outside the box.

Old newspapers for the area may be on microfilm in the Knight Library in Eugene but without a death date you are really searching blind.


Denise Sproed of Oregon 

 <https://www.facebook.com/denisesproed?fref=ts> Facebook and  <https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Sproed-1/5> Wikitree and  <https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/160001831/family/pedigree> Ancestry and my web presence  <http://www.dna-discoveries.com/> dna-discoveries.com 

Denise (Gedmatch ID T674236), Daughter of R Sproed (Gedmatch ID T468293) and S Sproed (Gedmatch ID T271542)


From: or-roots <or-roots-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of Diane Carlson via or-roots
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 1:42 PM
To: or-roots at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: [or-roots] Looking for Edmund Hammarstedt


Hello Researchers,  I have exhausted my search for my great uncle Edmund Hammarstedt.  Born June 19, 1886 Sweden.

Immigrated 1913.  Lived in Baker County as a miner (Cornucopia/Halfway) from 1915 to 1918.  Last document I have is WWI draft card dated 1918. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge in Halfway. Can't find death record or anything else.  I have searched all the ancestry sites.  Any suggestions on where else to search?  Thank you.



Carlson2 at yahoo.com <mailto:Carlson2 at yahoo.com> 

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