Stacie (and Dorothy) I return often as I have alot of friends and family still there (not to mention a storage unit containing some of my parents' furniture that has not been dealt with yet). The dog track went in while I was in high school. I was in the first class to go all the way through Reynolds and my mother was secretary to the superintendent. The thing that gets to me most is all the development around Blue Lake and Mud Lake and all those huge homes going up on lots that once held summer cabins. There were only a few year 'round residents on Blue Lake while I was growing up there. The other thing is the development around Sandy Blvd and Osburn Road along with the feeway offramp. I just can't bear to look at it. I can remember the area before the freeway went in. BTW Stacie, two of my high school friends now live in Gresham so I'm there alot. Barbara Albert (now in San Francisco)