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<div style="direction:ltr; font-family:Verdana; color:#0000FF; font-size:10pt">Happy Friday.<br>
Here's advance notice that Gale will release a <i><b>new product for middle school
</b></i>grade levels (6-8) in late spring, and <a href="http://secondary.oslis.org/find-information" target="_blank">
</a>Oregon will switch over to the new offering in the summer. This yet-to-be-named database will bring together content from and
<b><i>replace</i></b> <i><b>the following databases</b></i>: Discovering Collection, Junior Reference Collection, Student Resource Center Junior (different from Student Resources In Context, which is not changing), and InfoTrac Junior.<br>
The new middle school database will feature a modern interface and tool set consistent with Gale’s In Context products. Content will be cross-disciplinary, focusing on core curriculum areas of literature, science, and U.S. and world history. Features will also
include alignment to curriculum standards and a mobile responsive design. <br>
Please give appropriate staff a heads up about this major Gale update. <br>
Questions? Please ask.<br>
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<div style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:13px"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Jennifer Maurer</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">School Library Consultant</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Oregon State Library</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">250 Winter St NE</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">Salem, OR 97301</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">503.378.5011</span><br style="font-family:Times New Roman">
<span style="font-family:Times New Roman">jennifer.maurer@state.or.us<br>
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