[Reading-For-Healthy-Families] NEW certified ECRR Trainers

Joann Contini joanncontini at comcast.net
Tue Sep 21 09:43:10 PDT 2010

Announcing NEW certified Every Child Ready to Read Trainers!!!!

RFHF has successfully completed our third ECRR Training of Trainers.

We have 20 new certified ECRR trainers to add to the cadre of 15 previously
certified trainers. The new trainers are from Libraries, Healthy Start, Head
Start, Child Care Resource and Referral, Child Care Centers, and independent
trainers and consultants.

The trainers have met the state of Oregon child care and education criteria
for certified Oregon Registry ECRR Trainers. As a certified ECRR trainer
they are able to provide the three ECRR workshops to any audiences in any
location.  The new trainers are:

Carmen Amador, Ada Echevarria, Natasha Forrester, Ila Suzanne Gray,  Julia
Hernandez, and Lane Poncy, Portland

Karen Garcia, Emily Haworth, Marya Hunsinger, and Jessica Marie, Salem

Steven Engelfried and Elizabeth Lopez, Hillsboro

Yelena Hennegan, Gresham

Beverly Hubbard, Beaverton

Shirley Calonder, Amity

Myra Classen, Newberg

Cade Burnette, Hermiston

Julianne Cullen, St. Helens

Molly Huettl, Bend

Angela Newton, Grants Pass

Contact information for these trainers will soon be added to the RFHF

Congratulations and Welcome !!!

Joann M. Contini

RFHF Project Coordinator


joanncontini at comcast.net


For more information about Reading for Healthy Families, please visit our
website at: http://www.oregon.gov/OSL/LD/youthsvcs/rfhf.home.page.shtml.   



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