[Sbot_mailing_list] Reminder: 03/19/2024 State Board of Towing Work Session

MCCULLOUGH Torey (Tow Board) Torey.MCCULLOUGH at towboard.oregon.gov
Mon Mar 18 15:00:49 PDT 2024

Good afternoon,

Attached are the meeting materials for the State Board of Towing work session scheduled for 03/19/2024 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 p.m.

The materials are available at the Board's website at

The work session will focus on reviewing the draft Bylaws.  Time permitting, the Board may also discuss the need for Board Committees and recruitment of committee members.

To attend the meeting remotely:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YWI0NjUzNGEtMzAzOC00YTVlLWIyYWItZTYxMTE4ZjVkMzcy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2228b0d013-46bc-4a64-8d86-1c8a31cf590d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a1ed7163-f535-4cf1-82a7-103bb8f92e75%22%7d>
Meeting ID: 232 734 044 120
Passcode: pnPGUZ
Download Teams<https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> | Join on the web<https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting>
Or call in (audio only)
+1 971-277-1965,,64112368#<tel:+19712771965,,64112368#>   United States, Portland
Phone Conference ID: 641 123 68#
Find a local number<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/80754e0b-00f9-4a9c-96be-54349c5593bc?id=64112368> | Reset PIN<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/usp/pstnconferencing>
Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=a1ed7163-f535-4cf1-82a7-103bb8f92e75&tenantId=28b0d013-46bc-4a64-8d86-1c8a31cf590d&threadId=19_meeting_YWI0NjUzNGEtMzAzOC00YTVlLWIyYWItZTYxMTE4ZjVkMzcy@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Torey McCullough
Administrator - State Board of Towing
Mailing Address:
1905 Lana Avenue, NE
Salem, OR  97314
Website: www.oregon.gov/sbot<http://www.oregon.gov/sbot>
Phone: (503) 871-5481
Email: torey.mccullough at towboard.oregon.gov<mailto:torey.mccullough at towboard.oregon.gov>

[Shape, circle  Description automatically generated]

Board Mission:
The Oregon State Board of Towing is responsible for protection of the safety and well-being of the public through the regulation of the towing industry by administering and enforcing the laws and rules of the State of Oregon, setting professional standards and expectations of the towing industry, and ensuring fairness and continuity of towing services provided by Oregon's towing industry.

Stay Informed!
Subscribe to the Board's mailing list<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/sbot_mailing_list> to get the latest news and information.

You're Invited to the Board's March 19, 2024 Board Meeting and Work Session
For more information, follow this link: https://www.oregon.gov/sbot/Pages/Board-Agendas-Meetings.aspx

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