[State-fac-mgrs] BeyondGreen: DAS Sustainability August 2019 news
David.WORTMAN at oregon.gov
Mon Aug 5 16:27:10 PDT 2019
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Welcome to BeyondGreen, a newsletter supporting sustainability champions across Oregon's state agencies with news, tips and resources. This internal newsletter complements the DAS Sustainability Quarterly, which is intended to share sustainability news from Oregon state government with an external audience.
Sustainability highlights from legislative session
Several bills pass to support sustainability
While HB 2020, the climate cap and invest bill, was not passed this legislative session, several other bills related to sustainability were signed by the Governor. Here's a sampling:
HB 2093<https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2093>: allows electric vehicle charging stations to be purchased with a statewide agreement to reduce costs. DAS Procurement will be developing this agreement.
SB 1044<https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB1044>: requires state agencies to purchase or lease at least 25% of their fleet as zero emission vehicles, including light trucks.
HB3114A<https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB3114>: adjusts the calculations of fees for each electronic manufacturer selling products in Oregon for the state E-Cycles program.
HB2496A<https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Measures/Overview/HB2496>: adds more flexibility to requirements for green energy technology on public buildings. Adds battery storage and energy efficiency as compliance options.
Legislation also passed to prohibit retail establishments from providing single-use bags at checkout<https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2509>, and to ban plastic straws in restaurants <https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB90> unless requested.
You can read a full summary of 2019 legislation here.<https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/lpro/summleg/Summary%20of%20Legislation%202019.pdf>
[image]Energy Trust offers free tool lending library
Wide range of free tools can help you save energy
Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) is sponsoring a Tool Lending Library through the Smart Buildings Center, a regional resource for energy efficiency, so that commercial and industrial building owners and managers can borrow diagnostic tools at no charge. The library has 85 different types of tools—more than 1,000 pieces of equipment—available to borrow.
Understanding how your facility uses energy requires good data points and solid tracking. Borrowing these tools to make periodic checks or test-driving equipment before you purchase is an affordable way to up your data quality and improve your results.
In their Tool Lending Library fact sheet<https://www.energytrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ToolLendingLibrary_FS_1906.pdf> ETO has more information about available tools and the rental process. Additional information can be found on their website: www.energytrust.org/tool-lending-library/<http://www.energytrust.org/tool-lending-library/>.
Consider these tools as a resource for your agency as you work to comply with Executive Order 17-20 requirements for energy efficiency, managing plug loads and more.
[header]Ode to a vanishing glacier
The first glacier "killed" by climate change is getting a haunting memorial in Iceland
Vikings thought it was a dead troll. Now, it's just dead ice.
Okjökull (or just "Ok," for short) is one of 400 ancient glaciers<https://www.livescience.com/topics/glaciers> crowning the mountains of Iceland<https://www.livescience.com/8129-iceland-form.html> — at least, it was, until global warming shrank it so much that Ok officially lost its glacier status in 2014.
While Ok was the first casualty of climate change<https://www.livescience.com/topics/climate-change> in Iceland, it probably won’t be the last. Iceland's glaciers are losing about 10 billion tons of ice<https://www.livescience.com/49751-iceland-rising-melting-ice.html> every year, and all 400 of them will likely follow in Ok's cold, wet footsteps by the year 2200 without a serious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades.
[Procurement cover]Report released on equipment procurement standards
DAS, ODOE and DEQ recommend standards for state agency procurement of energy and water efficient equipment
At the end of June, DAS - along with ODOE and DEQ - released final proposed standards for procurement of energy and water efficient equipment as required by Executive Order 17-20. The result of a year of research and consultation with stakeholders, the report charts a path for DAS Procurement to implement recommendations. Agencies with plans to make a major procurement of equipment used inside buildings are advised to review the report<https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Get-Involved/Documents/2019-Efficient-Equipment-Standards.pdf>.
August 2019
In this issue
* Sustainability highlights from the legislative session
* New free tool library to save energy
* Noteworthy news on a vanished glacier
Did you know?
Plastic bags are used on average for 12 minutes, but can take 500 years to degrade. Styrofoam to-go containers are only used once but don’t bio-degrade and end up in our food chain, on beaches and in the environment for a very long time.
Marion County Earthwise Certification - Agency List Grows
Congratulations to the following agencies for achieving Earthwise certification or re-certification for their buildings in 2019. Can we add your agency to the growing list?
ODA | ODOE | OHA/DHS | DAS | DPSST Lottery | DLCD | DOC | DOJ | DCBS | Treasury
Another 9 buildings are on track to be certified by end of year.
Certification is simple, free and comes with valuable tips. Visit the Earthwise web site. <http://www.co.marion.or.us/PW/ES/disposal/programs/earthwise>
DAS will be hosting a formal event to recognize all agencies achieving certification in 2019.
Tip of the month
Junk mail: It’s not just for home anymore
Many of us have battled the junk mail that relentlessly arrives in our home mailboxes. More than 85 billion pieces of unsolicited mail get dropped in mailboxes around the country each year – that’s about 100 pounds for every household.
Junk mail isn’t just a home problem, it’s also a work problem. Agency staff must regularly sort through and deliver brochures for seminars, new products and credit card offers – many of which get discarded or recycled. Work junk mail wastes paper, resources and staff time.
Get the junk out of mail at work – and at home – with some simple steps:
Sign up for the Do Not Mail List: https://www.directmail.com/mail_preference/.
Catalog Choice<https://www.catalogchoice.org/> sends opt-out requests to individual companies marketing to you.
Eliminate credit card promotional mailings: http://www.optoutprescreen.com<http://www.optoutprescreen.com/>.
Want more tips? Visit http://ecocycle.org/junkmail/.
Upcoming Events
Public Sector Sustainability Roundtable, August 28, 9-12:30, DAS General Services Building, Mt. Mazama Conference Room
Interagency Sustainability Coordinators Network, September 3, 1:30-3, DAS Executive Building
Oregon Sustainability Board, September 12-13, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR
Getting to Zero Forum 2019<https://gettingtozeroforum.org/>, October 9-11, 2019, Oakland, CA
DAS Sustainability web site<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>
EO 17-20: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction in the built environment. <https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-20.pdf>
EO 17-21: Zero emission vehicle adoption<https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-21.pdf>
DAS Statewide Resource Conservation Policy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-010.pdf>
DAS Statewide Green Chemistry Procurement Guidelines<https://www.oregon.gov/das/policies/107-009-0080.pdf>
Energy Trust of Oregon<https://www.energytrust.org/>
DEQ Materials Management Program<https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/Pages/default.aspx>
Contact DAS Sustainability
Dave Wortman, Statewide Sustainability Officer
david.wortman at oregon.gov<mailto:david.wortman at oregon.gov>
Ty Hendrix, Sustainability Analyst
503-580- 9821
tyler.hendrix at oregon.gov<mailto:tyler.hendrix at oregon.gov>
Ranya Aboras, Energy Analyst
Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov<mailto:Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov>
State of Oregon • Department of Administrative Services August 2019
[Oregon Department of Administrative Services]
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