[State-fac-mgrs] Beyond Green: DAS Sustainability newsletter for state agencies
David.WORTMAN at oregon.gov
Mon Jun 17 17:10:21 PDT 2019
News, tips and resources for state agencies
Welcome to BeyondGreen, a newsletter designed to support sustainability champions across Oregon's state agencies with news, tips and resources. This internal newsletter complements the DAS Sustainability Quarterly, which is geared to share sustainability news from Oregon state government with an external audience.
We initially plan to issue this newsletter every other month. If you have specific requests for content or questions you would like answered, please let us know.
Energy efficiency moves forward
Implementation of Executive Order 17-20 well underway
In November 2017, Governor Brown signed Executive Order (EO) 17-20 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing building energy efficiency.
Implementation of EO 17-20 is well underway, overseen by the multi-agency Built Environment Efficiency Working Group (BEEWG). For state agencies, the BEEWG and collaborating agencies have developed energy efficiency targets for state-owned buildings, produced a statewide plug load strategy<https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Get-Involved/Documents/2018-BEEWG-Plug-Load-Strategy.pdf>, and developed cost analysis tools. On June 28, DAS and ODOE will submit to the Governor a draft report on establishing procurement requirements for energy and water-efficient equipment.
So what does this all mean for agencies?
1. If your agency owns buildings, you should have already worked with ODOE to establish energy efficiency targets for them. For buildings exceeding targets, create plans for getting buildings to their targets through efficiency upgrades and renovations. ODOE, DAS and Energy Trust of Oregon can offer resources to assist.
2. 2019 is a ramp-up year for the plug load strategy while ODOE and DAS develop implementation plans. Review the document and think about what your agency can do. There are several no-cost steps that will save energy and money, and you'll find a helpful checklist in the report appendices. Stay tuned for more tips and training and contact our office with questions.
3. DAS Procurement will start on implementing requirements for energy and water efficiency in building equipment procurement in 2019. New requirements will be phased in, likely starting in 2020. If you plan equipment purchases, look for opportunities to purchase, at a minimum, EnergySTAR<https://www.energystar.gov/products> or WaterSense<https://www.epa.gov/watersense/product-search> certified equipment as these certifications will be part of future requirements. For IT equipment, consider EPEAT<https://greenelectronicscouncil.org/epeat/epeat-overview/> or TCO<https://tcocertified.com/tco-certified/> certified products.
The BEEWG's web site<https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Get-Involved/Pages/BEEWG.aspx> provides a wealth of information on the EO, progress on these and other action items.
[Sustainability Board]Sustainability Board updates
Plan guidelines, biennial report, and setting priorities
With two of its four 2019 meetings completed, the Sustainability Board is focused on a few priority projects. The Board will publish a biennial report to the legislature and Governor this summer, highlighting its work with agencies, the sustainability survey and its work on equity and inclusion.
Board members are also currently reviewing draft revised sustainability plan guidelines for agencies and will be discussing these at their September meeting. Along with the guidelines, Board members are also discussing strategic priorities for the next 1-2 years.
Any agencies needing interim guidance on their plans can contact our office for support. We can also offer to facilitate workshops, or provide other strategic advice for creating or updating a plan.
Future Board meetings:
* September 12-13, Astoria, Oregon, location TBD
* November 15, Eugene, Oregon, location TBD
[Meters]Statewide resource conservation policy one step closer
New policy expected by end of summer
The revamped statewide DAS Resource Conservation Policy - now called the Energy and Resource Conservation Policy - is one step closer to completion. A draft is now being reviewed by a handful of subject matter experts. Once comments have been reviewed and addressed, the Policy will be off to DAS policy managers for review, then on to the DAS Executive Team for final approval. We hope to wrap up this process by end of summer.
The revised Policy will take the place of the 2009 version. The 2019 version contains updated best practices for energy, water and waste, and it contains new sections on plug loads, outdoor lighting, staff education and engagement, and tracking progress.
[Plastic bottle]Noteworthy News
Norway's Insanely Efficient Scheme Recycles 97% of All Plastic Bottles They Use
When it comes to recycling plastic waste, Norway is ahead the pack. In fact, the Scandinavian nation has virtually lapped the rest of the world.
Through an organization called Infinitum<https://infinitum.no/>, Norway has created one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly ways of recycling plastic bottles, and the results are so impressive that many nations are following suit.
According to The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/12/can-norway-help-us-solve-the-plastic-crisis-one-bottle-at-a-time>, the scheme has allowed Norway to recycle 97 percent of all its plastic bottles, with less than one percent ending up in the environment.
How do they do it? Read more here.<https://www.sciencealert.com/norway-s-recycling-scheme-is-so-effective-92-percent-of-plastic-bottles-can-be-reused>
June 2019
In this issue
* Energy efficiency moves forward
* Sustainability Board updates
* Resource conservation policy one step closer
* Noteworthy news
Did you know?
When making the drive between Portland and Salem, a standard four door sedan emits 44 pounds of carbon dioxide. Do you really need to travel for your next meeting, or can you save staff time and fuel by meeting virtually?
Tip of the month
Oregon law specifies preferences for products that are recycled, are capable of being reused or recycled and are safer and less hazardous. The DAS Procurement Manual has a section on sustainable procurement<https://www.oregon.gov/das/OPM/Pages/sustainable.aspx> that can help guide sustainable procurement decisions.
Through ORPIN and Procurement’s online catalog of statewide price agreements<http://orpin.oregon.gov/open.dll/open?sessionID=785846000>, several companies offer office supplies made from recycled content, from office paper to file folders, dividers and plastic trays, organizers and more. Multiple vendors use symbols in their online catalogs to assist in finding eco-friendly products.
Upcoming Events
Interagency Sustainability Coordinators Network meeting, July 2, 1:30-3pm, DAS Executive Building
Getting to Zero Forum 2019<https://gettingtozeroforum.org/>, October 9-11, 2019, Oakland, CA
Pac-12 Sustainability Conference<http://pac-12sustainabilityconference.com/>, June 25-26, University of Washington, Seattle
DAS Sustainability web site<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>
EO 17-20: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction in the built environment. <https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-20.pdf>
EO 17-21: Zero emission vehicle adoption<https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-21.pdf>
DAS Statewide Resource Conservation Policy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-010.pdf>
DAS Statewide Green Chemistry Procurement Guidelines<https://www.oregon.gov/das/policies/107-009-0080.pdf>
Energy Trust of Oregon<https://www.energytrust.org/>
DEQ Materials Management Program<https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/Pages/default.aspx>
Marion County Earthwise Certification - Agency Kudos
Congratulations to the following agencies for achieving Earthwise certification or re-certification in 2019. Can we add your agency to the list in 2019?
Certification is simple, free and comes with valuable tips. Visit the Earthwise web site. <http://www.co.marion.or.us/PW/ES/disposal/programs/earthwise>
Contact DAS Sustainability
Dave Wortman, Statewide Sustainability Officer
david.wortman at oregon.gov<mailto:david.wortman at oregon.gov>
Ty Hendrix, Sustainability Analyst
503-580- 9821
tyler.hendrix at oregon.gov<mailto:tyler.hendrix at oregon.gov>
Ranya Aboras, Energy Analyst
Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov<mailto:Ranya.Aboras at oregon.gov>
State of Oregon • Department of Administrative Services • June 2019
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