[State-fac-mgrs] BeyondGreen: DAS Sustainability News, March 2020

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at oregon.gov
Wed Mar 4 16:22:11 PST 2020

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Welcome to BeyondGreen, a newsletter supporting sustainability champions across Oregon's state agencies with news, tips and resources. This internal newsletter complements the DAS Sustainability Quarterly, which shares sustainability news from Oregon state government with an external audience.

[Energy efficiency]DAS Publishes Energy and Resource Conservation Policy
New policy directs agency energy, water and waste reduction efforts

DAS has published its statewide Energy and Resource Conservation Policy, capping an 18-month process to revise the previous 2009 policy. The revised Policy is now posted on the DAS policy web page<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-010.pdf>.

The Policy applies to all agency owned and leased buildings, except for the specific exemptions listed in the Policy. Policy revisions were driven not only by the need to update best resource conservation practices, but also to comply with Executive Order 17-20.

For agencies that own buildings, there are major policy sections related to HVAC and lighting systems, as well as reporting energy consumption data to the Oregon Department of Energy. All agencies will find in the Policy guidance for managing plug loads, use of personal and communal appliances, waste reduction and recycling and educating employees.

The Policy reflects input from across agencies including facility managers, IT managers, sustainability coordinators, DAS tenants and others. The Policy was also reviewed and approved by both the Enterprise Leadership Team of agency directors and the DAS Executive Team.

DAS is currently conducting outreach to inform agencies about the revised Policy, which is expected to save energy, materials and water; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and cut costs through lower utility bills and more efficient use of resources.

Agencies are encouraged to reach out to DAS with questions or requests for support. DAS can offer data, fact sheets and other tips to help agencies implement the Policy.

[Board members]Oregon Sustainability Board publishes agency plan guidelines
Revised document provides resources and guidance for successful agency plans

For nearly two decades, the Oregon Sustainability Board has been supporting agencies and their sustainability efforts by reviewing and approving sustainability plans and helping agencies comply with the Oregon Sustainability Act. The Board now has newly published guidance<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Documents/2020OSBSustainabilityPlanGuidelines.pdf> for how agencies can prepare successful, impactful plans.

Over 20 agencies now have sustainability plans and regularly report on plan progress to the Board. Plans address both agency operations as well as how agencies weave sustainability into program development. A number of agency plans can be found on the DAS sustainability web site<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/SustAgys.aspx>.

The new guidelines are the result of feedback from agencies as well as Board review and discussion. Agencies will find a "quick guide" at the front to help guide their planning process as well as guidance for data collection, engaging staff, aligning with agency strategic plans and more. New sections provide guidance for agencies in the areas of equity and climate change.

Sustainability plans not only provide a structure for agency sustainability efforts, they also help identify resource and cost savings, comply with executive orders and policy, inspire green teams and optimize programs using the triple bottom line. Even agencies that do not currently report their plans to the Board are highly encouraged to consider developing such a plan.

DAS Sustainability provides support to agencies in preparing and updating plans such as reviewing documents, facilitating workshops, linking agencies with valuable data and more.

[Composting]Composting comes to DAS buildings
After a successful pilot, all tenants offered composting service

After a successful pilot program in its own General Services Building, DAS Operations and Maintenance has rolled out composting services to its tenants.

In a 2018-19 waste audit of two DAS buildings, the agency's sustainability team found that food waste comprised 20 about percent each building's trash stream by weight. The agency piloted composting for three months to test different bins, frequency of pickup and staff feedback. Not only were staff overwhelmingly in support of composting, further audits showed that 80 percent of compostable materials were successfully ending up in compost bins. DAS estimates it now diverts over two tons of food waste annually from just its General Services complex and Executive buildings alone. This not only reduces landfilled waste and greenhouse gases, it also provides beneficial use of compost for school gardens and farms around the Willamette Valley.

Compost is collected daily in DAS buildings by custodial staff. Republic Services provides exterior collection bins, which are hauled away weekly.

Any DAS tenant agencies wishing to start compost service can contact DAS Operations and Maintenance. DAS is also happy to share program materials and lessons learned with other agencies wishing to start composting.

  March 2020
In this issue

  *   DAS publishes resource conservation policy
  *   New agency sustainability plan guidelines available
  *   Composting expands in DAS buildings

Agencies must prioritize hybrids or EVs for travel

Did you know that DAS statewide policy as well as statute requires agencies to prioritize hybrids and electric vehicles for travel needs?

DAS fleet policy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-040.pdf> states that, "agencies must encourage adoption of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by setting internal policies such that, where a ZEV or low emission vehicle (LEV) will work for state business travel needs, a ZEV or LEV will be the employee's first choice."

Is your agency complying with state directives? If not, please help spread the word on this requirement. Emissions from the transportation sector are now Oregon's largest source of greenhouse gas pollution. In the coming months DAS will be reinforcing this policy requirement. Agencies with questions are encouraged to contact DAS Fleet and Parking Services<https://www.oregon.gov/das/FleetPark/Pages/Index.aspx>.

Marion County Earthwise Certification: 2019 successes

On January 27, 2020, over 25 agencies gathered at the Oregon Department of Energy to celebrate successful certification and re-certification of their buildings under Marion County's Earthwise program. DAS Director Katy Coba and Amira Streeter from the Governor's Office recognized successful agencies for their effort.

DAS is nearing its goal of having all of its buildings certified or re-certified by 2022. Earthwise<https://www.co.marion.or.us/PW/ES/disposal/programs/earthwise> is not only a free program, it offers agencies money and resource saving tips, recognition and support for green teams.

Is your agency or building certified? If not, join the many agencies that have already benefitted from this program in 2020.

Upcoming events

Interagency Sustainability Coordinators Network, March 10, 1:30-3pm, 1225 Ferry St. SE, Salem

Oregon Sustainability Board<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Documents/Sust_OSB_Agenda_20200314.pdf> quarterly meeting, March 13, Salem

Earth Day 2020<https://www.co.marion.or.us/PW/ES/disposal/events/Pages/springevents.aspx>, Salem Convention Center, Salem

Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition<https://evs33portland.org/>, June 14-17, Portland


DAS Sustainability web site<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>

EO 17-20: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction in the built environment. <https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-20.pdf>

EO 17-21: Zero emission vehicle adoption<https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Documents/executive_orders/eo_17-21.pdf>

DAS Statewide Resource Conservation Policy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/Policies/107-011-010.pdf>

DAS Statewide Green Chemistry Procurement Guidelines<https://www.oregon.gov/das/policies/107-009-0080.pdf>

Energy Trust of Oregon<https://www.energytrust.org/>

DEQ Materials Management Program<https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/Pages/default.aspx>

Contact DAS Sustainability

Dave Wortman, Statewide Sustainability Officer

david.wortman at oregon.gov<mailto:david.wortman at oregon.gov>

State of Oregon • Department of Administrative Services • March 2020

[Oregon Department of Administrative Services]

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