[State-fac-mgrs] March 17 Webinar on Plug Loads

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at oregon.gov
Wed Mar 10 11:03:41 PST 2021


There is a free webinar on Wednesday, March 17 hosted by the US Department of Energy's Better Buildings Alliance (BBA) on saving energy in Plug and Process Loads (PPLs) which might interest you. This can be a helpful resource for you to manage your plug loads in compliance with the DAS statewide Energy and Resource Conservation Policy.

Details below:

  *   Title: Beyond Energy Efficiency: How Your Device Usage Patterns Affect Energy Consumption
  *   Date/Time: March 17, 2021;  1:00pm ET / 11:00am MT
  *   Description: How people use plug load devices can strongly affect their energy consumption. Learn what factors are most important for certain types of devices, and how to reduce inefficiencies.
  *   Guest Presenter: Dr. Joy Pixley, Research Director, California Plug Load Research Center
  *   Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3183241606160939022

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