[State-fac-mgrs] Energy Trust 2022 Programs Update

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov
Tue Mar 1 15:19:40 PST 2022

All, following up on last week's webinar, Energy Trust has just announced some bonuses effective today for the EB program for a few of their prescriptive measures, an extension to the boiler bonus that was already approved, a custom bonus rate of $1/therm ($4/therm total), and an increase to the incentive cap for RCx measures.  Below are the snippets of information regarding the bonus information.  The following bullets also confirm the timing in more detail as they pertain to the bonus information:

  *   Standard measure equipment must be purchased and installed between 3/1/22 - 9/30/22

  *   Boilers must be purchased and installed between 1/1/22 - 9/30/22

  *   Custom bonus for increased therm incentive rate - 120C must be signed between 3/1/22 and 12/31/22 but customer has usual timeframe to complete work for capital project.

  *   RCx bonus: project closeout paperwork must be received by 12/31/22, no exceptions.  This means we have to have an approved PIV as well as the invoice and the 140C has to be signed by COB 12/31/22.

Commercial Bonus:
[cid:image001.png at 01D82D7F.C4997F00]

Custom Therm Bonus:
[cid:image002.png at 01D82D7F.C4997F00]

RCx Bonus:
[cid:image003.png at 01D82D7F.C4997F00]

Please contact Nikki Burton with any questions. Thanks much.

Dave Wortman (he/him), LEED AP BD+C, ISSP-SA
Statewide Sustainability Officer
Department of Administrative Services | State of Oregon
1225 Ferry St. SE, U100 | Salem, OR 97301-4281
Mobile: 971-304-8733
Subscribe to the Oregon sustainability newsletter<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORDAS/subscriber/topics?qsp=ORDAS_3,>
Visit the DAS Sustainability web site<http://www.oregon.gov/das/Facilities/Pages/Sustainability.aspx>

-----Original Appointment-----
From: WORTMAN David * DAS
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2022 10:15 AM
To: WORTMAN David * DAS; Elin Shepard; Nikki Burton; Whitney Rideout; state-fac-mgrs at listsmart.osl.state.or.us; iscn-members at omls.oregon.gov
Cc: STITZEL Travis * DAS; MILLER Jeremy W * DAS; RYAN Shannon * DAS; SHELIDE Blake * ODOE; ELLSWORTH Lisa * HECC; AGLIETTI Miriha D * DCBS; BOVETT Carol * DLCD; INTVELD Marilyn * PUC; Rhoades Kirk N; Samuels Jeff * OLCC; MORRISON Arty E * DPSST; ANDERSON Michael J * DPSST; Bason Glen E; CALLENS Judith * ODA; LAHAV Marian * DLCD; FITTS Kathleen K * DOC; LANE David * ODA; STREETER Amira * GOV; GRUBBS Monty * DEQ; MARTIN Thom W * DOC; ABRAHAM Joseph * PUC; BULL Egan; BRATENG Jason * DOR; MCKENNA Bryce A * HCS; GEARHART Michael * DOR; GENGLER Randy C; Scott Bricker; Roth Mark A; CAMERON Andy * ODOE; MARKHAM Steve * DAS; ELLIOTT Tom * ODOE; SCHACHER Elaine G * DAS; HUMMON Cheryl * ODA; MCGOWAN Jeffrey K * ODF; Kevin Fish; EHENGER Paul * OYA; LINDELL Patrick * OYA; Stancil, Anisha; DOLPHIN Glenn * BOAT; ELBEL Elizabeth * DEQ; DEDERA Dan * OYA; Thapa-Sherpa Archana; MORRIS Eric * OCB; CUNNINGHAM Jim R * BIZ; STEWART David C * ODF; SWANSON John M * DSL; WOON Molly * SOS; SNYDER Lisa J * WRD; QUIGLEY Brian * ODF; HOWARD Neil J * OPRD; LOFFINK Ken J * ODFW; KRUSE Stephanie * ODOE; HELVEY Adam L * DAS; MCVEIGH-WALKER Chase * ODOE; ADKINS Tammy D * OED; CRAFT Nicole * DCBS
Subject: Energy Trust 2022 Programs Update
When: Thursday, February 24, 2022 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting


Representatives from Energy Trust of Oregon have offered to present to state agencies the latest updates and changes to program offerings for lighting and energy efficiency in existing buildings, as well as support available for energy efficiency and renewable energy in new building construction and major renovations.

If your agency is contemplating any projects in 2022 involving energy efficiency, this webinar is for you! Please forward to your facilities teams.

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