[State-fac-mgrs] Renewable Energy: PGE's Options for State Agencies
David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov
Tue Oct 18 08:50:58 PDT 2022
The State of Oregon, Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and Portland General Electric (PGE) are hosting an educational webinar about how state agencies can address their decarbonization goals. We'll provide a recap of the State of Oregon's climate goals and the Climate Action Planning (CAP) Tool DAS and the Oregon Sustainability Board developed for agencies to measure and manage emissions in their operations.
PGE will then give an overview of their renewable energy programs available to agencies to help reduce their GHG emissions and support renewable energy. Specific topics will include detailed descriptions of voluntary utility programs including pricing and program features, and enrollment processes. Finally, we'll share a case study of how DAS used the CAP Tool to evaluate their own needs and how PGE's voluntary Green Future Enterprise program helped DAS meet their electricity decarbonization goal.
We highly encourage state agencies looking at climate action planning to attend this webinar.
Presentation Agenda
1. Recap of State of Oregon Climate Goals and Agency Operations [State of Oregon to present]
* State GHG reduction goals (buildings & fleets)
* Refresher on CAP Tool and energy-related strategies
* State of Oregon Case Study
* Q&A
2. PGE Clean Energy & Voluntary Renewable Energy Programs [PGE to present]
* Clean energy future (grid modernization and more)
* Customer's renewables strategy (RPS, HB2021 & Clean Fuels)
* Program descriptions (Green Future Impact & Enterprise, Clean Fuels)
* Enrollment process & timing
* Q&A
3. Next steps [PGE to present]
* Follow up on renewable programs and clean fuels
* Opportunities to collaborate on future webinars/programs
* Q&A
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