[State-fac-mgrs] Energy Trust Lighting Incentives to Expire

WORTMAN David * DAS David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov
Thu Apr 4 13:26:16 PDT 2024


I am passing along this information after it also came up at yesterday's Interagency Sustainability Coordinators meeting.

Please be aware that in 2025, Energy Trust's lighting incentives will likely be changing. This is partially in response to HB 2531, which phases out fluorescent lighting, making LEDs the new standard.

If you are a building owner and are looking to conduct lighting upgrades, you are advised to do your upgrades in 2024. After that, some of today's lighting incentives offered by Energy Trust may go away.

Dave Backen, below, is the Business Lighting contact at Energy Trust. I encourage you to get your lighting retrofits done with Dave's help sooner than later.



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Dave Wortman, LEED-AP BD+C, ISSP-SA
Statewide Sustainability Officer
DAS Office of Sustainability<https://www.oregon.gov/das/pages/office-of-sustainability.aspx>
(971) 304-8733
Pronouns: he/him/his

Data Classification: Level 1 - Published

From: Dave Backen <dave at backenconsulting.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 11:28 AM
To: WORTMAN David * DAS <David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov>; Thompson Karuna R <Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov>; Keely West (she, her) <KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov>
Cc: HALL Jeni * DAS <Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov>; MARKHAM Steve * DAS <Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov>; Nikki Burton (nikkiburton at waypoint-energy.com) <nikkiburton at waypoint-energy.com>
Subject: RE: DHS/OHA Facility Manager Meeting


That is an accurate statement. We never know what incentives will do year over year. However, the passing of HB 2531 last year will put pressure on lighting baselines, which eventually will result in lowered incentives for commercial lighting.

This is particularly important for any fluorescent T-8 or T-5 changeouts you might need to do. As of July 1, 2025 Energy Trust will no longer offer incentives for upgrades from fluorescent fixtures. You can "lock" in incentives by signing a project application form as late as June 30, 2025 and then you would have 365 days to install and complete the project. Please work with us if you are getting close to the July 1, 2025 deadline though. We would not want you to miss that very important deadline.

With respect to HB 2531, I have attached a few slides from our presentation to trade allies earlier this year. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Dave Backen
Program Consultant
Business Lighting

Working with Energy Trust of Oregon

Backen Consulting
Program Delivery Contractor
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

503.984.5720 DIRECT

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From: WORTMAN David * DAS <David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 10:08 AM
To: Dave Backen <dave at backenconsulting.com>; Thompson Karuna R <Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov>; Keely West (she, her) <KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov>
Cc: HALL Jeni * DAS <Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov>; MARKHAM Steve * DAS <Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov>
Subject: RE: DHS/OHA Facility Manager Meeting

By the way, I was advised yesterday by Nikki Burton that the lighting incentives may be different next year, so the advice to agencies is to get your lighting work done with ETO this year, if possible, as it's not clear what incentives will be offered in 2025.

Dave, is that accurate?

Thanks again,


[cid:image001.png at 01DA8682.8CCA0050]

Dave Wortman, LEED-AP BD+C, ISSP-SA
Statewide Sustainability Officer
DAS Office of Sustainability<https://www.oregon.gov/das/pages/office-of-sustainability.aspx>
(971) 304-8733
Pronouns: he/him/his

Data Classification: Level 1 - Published

From: Dave Backen <dave at backenconsulting.com<mailto:dave at backenconsulting.com>>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 9:43 AM
To: WORTMAN David * DAS <David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov<mailto:David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov>>; Thompson Karuna R <Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov>>; Keely West (she, her) <KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov<mailto:KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov>>
Cc: HALL Jeni * DAS <Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov<mailto:Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov>>; MARKHAM Steve * DAS <Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov<mailto:Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov>>
Subject: RE: DHS/OHA Facility Manager Meeting


Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks!


Dave Backen
Program Consultant
Business Lighting

Working with Energy Trust of Oregon

Backen Consulting
Program Delivery Contractor
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

503.984.5720 DIRECT

This email is intended for its addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you receive this email in error, please notify me and delete it promptly. Thank you.

+ Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: WORTMAN David * DAS <David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov<mailto:David.WORTMAN at das.oregon.gov>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 2:38 PM
To: Thompson Karuna R <Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:Karuna.R.Thompson2 at odhsoha.oregon.gov>>; Keely West (she, her) <KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov<mailto:KEELY.L.WEST at oha.oregon.gov>>
Cc: HALL Jeni * DAS <Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov<mailto:Jeni.HALL at das.oregon.gov>>; Dave Backen <dave at backenconsulting.com<mailto:dave at backenconsulting.com>>; MARKHAM Steve * DAS <Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov<mailto:Steve.MARKHAM at das.oregon.gov>>
Subject: RE: DHS/OHA Facility Manager Meeting

Karuna, Keely:

Nice to meet you yesterday Karuna. Here is the link for the Energy Trust lighting incentives program:

Existing Buildings - Lighting - Energy Trust of Oregon<https://www.energytrust.org/incentives/existing-buildings-lighting/>

Dave Backen, copied here, is our contact for lighting. I would suggest reaching out to him if you have any questions about lighting incentives.

Thanks much, reach out to Steve Markham or me in the Office of Sustainability any time.



[cid:image001.png at 01DA8682.8CCA0050]

Dave Wortman, LEED-AP BD+C, ISSP-SA
Statewide Sustainability Officer
DAS Office of Sustainability<https://www.oregon.gov/das/pages/office-of-sustainability.aspx>
(971) 304-8733
Pronouns: he/him/his

Data Classification: Level 1 - Published

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Lopez Stephanie <stephanie.e.lopez at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:stephanie.e.lopez at odhsoha.oregon.gov>>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 11:16 AM
To: Lopez Stephanie; Thompson Karuna R; Keely West (she, her); WORTMAN David * DAS
Cc: HALL Jeni * DAS
Subject: DHS/OHA Facility Manager Meeting
When: Monday, April 1, 2024 2:00 PM-2:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
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SECURE EMAIL DELIVERY: This email message was securely transmitted from a sender at Oregon ODHSOHA to your email system using Transport Layered Security (TLS).
S. Lopez 3/19/2024 -  I have added the string of emails between Keely and David.

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