[AL-Directors] Statewide Database Licensing Program

MaryKay Dahlgreen dahlgreen_marykay at oslmac.osl.state.or.us
Thu Feb 26 10:46:00 PST 2009

Hello all-
Since this is the time of year that the State Library would generally send estimated cost tables for the 2009-2010 statewide database license I want to touch base on the RFP process and let you know that we won't be sending the estimated cost tables this year. Our contract with EBSCO for our general periodicals database expires at the end of August 2009 so over the past year the Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee (SDLAC) has been working with State Library staff and the state procurement office to develop an RFP for a general periodicals database. The RFP was released on February 5th and the proposals are due March 5th. After the procurement office determines which vendors meet the mandatory requirements of the RFP, the SDLAC will score the desirable features using each of the proposed databases and a cadre of external reviewers will also test the proposed databases and provide feedback to SDLAC. Then SDLAC will meet in April to review the scoring and external evaluations and make a recommendation to the LSTA Advisory Council at their May 15th meeting. The LSTA Advisory Council will make a recommendation to the OSL Board. The OSL Board meets on June 19th so we won't have an official word until then.
We anticipate following a later  timeline for statewide database license application and billing which would send applications and cost tables out after the June 19th OSL Board meeting, asking libraries to have the applications back by the end of July, and invoicing libraries in early August with a deadline for payment of September 15, 2009. The new contract with the selected vendor would begin on September 1, 2009. 
I also want you to know that at their meeting on February 20th, the State Library Board unanimously adopted a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules that will allow the Board, in the future, to collect funds from larger public and academic libraries to partially support the L-net e-reference service. In adopting the rule the Board decided to delay implementing it until the 2010-11 fiscal year so libraries will not be billed for L-net in the invoices they receive in August 2009. 
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
MaryKay Dahlgreen
Program Manager, Library Development
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St. NE
Salem, OR  97301
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
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