[Answerland] Search for forgotten titles

Emily Papagni emilyp at multco.us
Sun Nov 22 11:44:20 PST 2020


We're hoping to get help with a question from a patron. The patron is
looking for the titles of books read long ago.

The original question is:

Patron needs title of a book written by a woman in Southern California.
Doesn't know the title or author.

Book is a memoir/autobiography about the author's life as an anthropologist
working with Native populations in Southern California.
Book was written/published in the 60's or 70's. The author had a child out
of wedlock. Married a native man.

This may be a series of memoirs that our patron remembers. We thought they
might be written by one of these authors, but they are not (we know that
none of the authors is a perfect match, but thought they were worth a try):

Ruth Underhill
Theodora Kroeber

Less likely, we also asked the patron about:
Elsie Clews Parsons
Ruth Benedict
Beatrice Medicine
Margaret Mead

The patron replied with this additional information:

The author had a child as a young unmarried woman; probably during the 20s
or 30s. Our patron probably read the author's books in the 1970s

We're guessing that the author may not have been an 'official'/credentialed
anthropologist and so might not be included on lists of anthropologists
that we have searched.

Thank you for any help you can give us with this stumper!


Emily Papagni
Reference Librarian
Multnomah County Central Library
503.988.5123, x24894
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