[kids-lib] Youth services in Oregon public libraries

Katie Anderson anderson_katie at oslmac.osl.state.or.us
Tue Oct 27 11:42:55 PDT 2009

Attention youth services staff in Oregon public libraries!

Please take this short online survey at: http://library.state.or.us/services/surveys/survey.php?sid=577

This survey is designed to find out what Oregon libraries are doing for tweens.  Please fill this out even if your library doesn't provide tween specific programs because if only folks who provide tween services fill this out it will look like everyone is doing it and we know that is not the case. 

There are 19 questions, most of them are quick yes/no/not sure answers that should take only 5-10 minutes to answer.  The only question asking your feedback is:  "Many public libraries don't have the staff, funding, or space to provide tween specific resources. What collaborative projects might help your library and other libraries meet the unique needs of tweens?" 

Who are "tweens"? 

They are kids who are playing with toys one day, and acting like teens the next. They are at the age when the onset of puberty occurs (10-14 years old), and many aren't quite sure what is going on with their own bodies and emotions. They exist in the academic gap between 4th and 8th grade when reading scores begin to fall. No Child Left Behind legislation focus on K-3rd grades, and high schools have a variety of special programs to help teens graduate, thus preventing dropouts. But, what support is there specifically for tweens?

Thank you,
Katie Anderson

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us, 503-378-2528
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