[kids-lib] Summer Reading and learning disabilities

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Aug 10 15:45:56 PDT 2010

I just read the latest Learning Disabilities Online Newsletter and found one item that applies to libraries.  This video (7 mins) discusses the importance of summer programs for children with learning disabilities.  Many of the things summer reading program already offer align with their recommendations, and we have a little more to learn about how we can make summer reading programs more welcoming for children with disabilities.  You can watch the video online at:

Here are a few things I took away from the video, and the summer reading ideas they inspired in my mind:

*         Children with disabilities always focus on what they cannot do.  School is often full of daily failures and humiliations.  Summer programs should provide experiences that allow them to feel like they can do something. That power of achievement will carry over into the school year.  Here are some ideas for the reading component of summer library programs:

o   Allow children and teens to count listening to audio books or books read aloud on their summer reading records.

o   If you have an adult summer reading program, allow parents to count the books/time spent reading aloud to their children for the adult program too.

o   Allow parents and children to set their own reading goals.  (A simple way to do this is to have two types of reading logs available, one tracking time spent reading/listening and the other tracking number of books read/listened to. As children sign up, ask which log they want.)

o   Include a variety of literary materials in your summer program displays and/or lists: audio books, magazines, websites, and literacy development computer games/software.

*         An enrichment component provides an opportunity to explore and get them excited about something. Summer programs can help children and teens with disabilities learn social skills and take risks. Here are some programming ideas for next year's theme, world culture:

o   Invite local cultural groups to present a summer reading program about their native culture.

o   Work with high school/college exchange students to present about their home county to the younger children.

o   Sample foods from around the world.

o   Look at and discuss fashion from different countries, then ask teens to model their own fashion and explain how it represents their lives here.

o   Ask locals with different cultural background to conduct storytimes using picture books, songs, rhymes, and activities that reflect their culture.

o   Make different crafts from around the world-worry dolls, origami, African masks, etc.

o   Invite musicians to play music from other cultures-bagpipes (outside!), pan pipes, didgeridoo, etc.

o   There is a large Native American population in Oregon, contact your local tribe and ask them to present a program.

A few more things to remember as you are working with children and teens:

*         People with disabilities don't want to feel different or have to explain themselves.

*         People with disabilities may need to go at a slower pace, and may need even more repetition to master skills than their peers.

I'm hope this video will reinforce many of the things you're already doing in your summer programs, and start you brainstorming new ideas for next year too!


Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

From: LD OnLine [mailto:ldonline at weta.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:15 PM
To: Katie Anderson
Subject: Brush Up on the LD Basics: LD OnLine News August 2010

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August 2010
Brush Up on the LD Basics

Students and teachers aren't the only ones who need to prepare for the school year. Parents, mentors, tutors, and coaches should get ready as well by beefing up their knowledge of special education processes. Look over the legal and procedural basics so that you can be the best advocate possible for the child with disabilities in your life.

The IEP Team<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=njsNEwZU61bzejUH66wVGA..>

Who's on the team? What is each member responsible for? What can I bring to the table? Find out about the various roles and why writing an effective individualized education plan<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=ofKjznEr4csCNqlPc6n-6Q..> is dependent on teamwork.
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IDEA Review<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=CHjA8zIobz2Oimhfl6s0Sg..>

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=7idXZR4OnntIe0WIM-irxg..> is a complex federal law that affects your child directly. Take another look at the history, purpose, and components<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=XgI2bcS8g3WHPMPNajiHFw..> to be sure you understand your rights and responsibilities.
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Ask the Legal Expert<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=HsowKEMl3WTOM1EjjusGdw..>

A parent wants to know: How long does a school have to respond to a parental request for testing<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=s-pVh2Q3zknnk4x6_lnR6Q..>?

Special education lawyer Matt Cohen<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=zqno13uy3Y0kvUIxHXnJEg..> says the time frame for testing is dictated by both federal and state laws<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=8Uy6Q_dqgVcIgYz6WnNuJg..>.
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Organizational Skills for Students with LD:
The Master Filing System for Paper<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=wFV4pf2HYTVQTtj8cnuFhg..>

"I lost it."
"I think it's at home."
"I can't find it anywhere!"

Teachers who have students with learning disabilities are used to hearing these words. Yet effective organizational skills are essential<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=MxwxCjDqpIcG9wMpqfpAqw..>: They allow students to maximize their time on task and feel more in control of their learning. See this article about the "master filing system,"<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=AyZt1oOIBane_BeGq8RrVg..> which can help students with LD and executive functioning weaknesses keep their materials in one place.
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The 2010 Brian Ayers Memorial Art Exhibition<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=Zs0AFqWkDXJcPwGq7xs6Jw..>

The results are in! Check out the 20 winners<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=iyEqeJnUTJbutNB_xk3eMA..> of the 2010 Brian Ayers Memorial Art Exhibition, a national exhibition that celebrates the exceptional talents of young artists with LD.
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Recommended Book<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=pRBZBxcHc6DLEfkI2urUYA..>

Helping Children with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities to Flourish<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=P4EBH4UX8bj1EKmmvqbQAg..>
This book is both a comprehensive guide to nonverbal LD<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=5d--YlF7d5d-zLgIACy6HA..> and the inspiring story of Sara, who was once riddled by social and learning challenges and is now a successful adult.
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[*]       Anniversary of ADA Brings Presidential Order to Hire More Disabled Workers<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=iOxAoDSAs613zUcv1LBiCQ..>

[*]       Payment Delay for Special Needs Vouchers Could Limit Choice and Cost Parents Money<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=fIULn8rnO5sK7NJ51XVjzw..>

[*]       ADHD Teens More Likely to Drop Out<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=qNA4YcmqmEhWD9L4760ADw..>

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All the Best from LD OnLine!

[*]       Noel Gunther, Executive Director

[*]       Shalini Anand, Technical Web Manager

[*]       Bridget Brady, Web and Video Coordinator

[*]       Kelly Deckert, Associate Manager, Online Media

[*]       Laurie Fry, Publicist

[*]       Christian Lindstrom, Director, Learning Media

[*]       Joanne Meier, Ph.D., Research Consultant

[*]       Laura Schreiber, Project Associate

[*]       Rachael Walker, Outreach Consultant

[*]       Kandace Wernsing, Intern

Newsletter Editor: Liana Heitin

The LD OnLine Newsletter offers news about learning disabilities and about the latest events on our website. LD OnLine and the LD OnLine Newsletter are made possible in part by generous support from Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes<http://support.weta.org/site/R?i=ZMF3XTc5_O0fGjNtbZmxxA..>.

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