[kids-lib] Statistics for Ready to Read and Youth Programs

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Dec 23 10:24:33 PST 2014

Hi! I just wanted to let everyone know I'm working on guidance for you about collecting Ready to Read data and plan to email it to library directors and Ready to Read Key Contacts in early January. There are a few things I still need to get guidance on from the Oregon Department of Education, but here is a sneak peak at two things I already heard back from them about:

How do I collect participation numbers by age range?

*         Early literacy projects: Children who participate in early literacy programs are mostly birth-preschool age so all you have to do is a head count of the children like you have in the past. If you notice an older sibling participating, then make your best guess about that child's age and count him/her separately like you count adults separately.

*         Summer reading projects: You might consider asking participants "What grade will you be in next year?" on their sign-up/registration form, reading log, or end of summer survey.

*         Small programs: Do a head count and make a best guess about how many are in each age group.

*         Large programs:

o   Do a head count of youth birth through high school and only report numbers for 'Total birth-12th grade youth' instead of breaking them out by age range, and do a head count of adults and report the number of 'Adults', or

o   Do a head count of all people and estimate how many are youth birth-12th grade and how many are adults.

How do I know what percent of birth-12th grade youth participated with an adult?

*         Make your best guess based on the data you collect and/or observations you make.

This is how these questions will probably look on the 2015 Ready to Read final report form:

10.   How many people participated in your grant funded early literacy project activities?
_____ NA (We didn't do a project in which people attended a program or participated in an activity.)
_____ Birth-Preschool
_____ Kindergarten - 3rd grade
_____ 4th grade - 5th grade
_____ 6th grade - 8th grade
_____ 9th grade - 12th grade
_____ Total birth - 12th grade youth
_____ Adults
_____ % of birth - 12th grade youth who attended with an adult

11.   How did you collect the participation data you reported in question 10?
         Sign-up/registration forms
         Returned reading logs/end of summer survey (summer reading section only)
         Programs were presented to groups of children within a specific age range
         Head counts at programs and staff made best guess about age
         Other, please explain

Please remember scientific data isn't necessary for Ready to Read. Just do the best you can with the program situation unique to your library. This is a case when 'close enough' is acceptable. If you are consistent about the way you collect and report data over time, then you should still get useful information and see real trends over time even if that data is 'close enough' instead of scientific.



Katie Anderson, Library Support and Development Services

* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *

Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301

katie.anderson at state.or.us, 503-378-2528

-----Original Message-----
From: Kids-lib [mailto:kids-lib-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Hicks, Doris
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:55 AM
To: kids-lib at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [kids-lib] Statistics for Ready to Read and Youth Programs

We are having a difficult time trying to think of ways to collect the statistics needed for our reports on Ready to Read funded programs as well as other youth programs in 2015, we would like to know how other libraries are going to handle this.  We urgently need to get your helpful ideas, since our first early literacy Ready-to-Read funded program is scheduled on January 2, and the other programs follow closely behind.  Thank you for any help you can give us.  Here is the list of statistics I compiled; if you know of others that I have left out, please let me know.

Early Literacy

For the Library's statistics, we count how many people total (any age) attended .  For Ready to Read reporting, we will only report how many YOUTH attended each grant funded project.  Also estimate how many in each category:


Kindergarten-3rd grade

4th grade - 5th grade

6th grade - 8th grade

9th grade - 12th grade

Total youth birth - 12th grade

What percentage of these youth do you estimate participated in your grant funded early literacy project with an adult?


For the Library's statistics, we count how many people total (any age) attended .  For Ready to Read reporting, we will only report how many YOUTH attended each grant funded project.  Also estimate how many in each category:


Kindergarten-3rd grade

4th grade - 5th grade

6th grade - 8th grade

9th grade - 12th grade

Total youth birth - 12th grade

**We need to keep track of how many in each category sign up for a reading log in 2015, and we can use that as a proportional guide for our estimate of how many in each category attend the weekly events.

What percentage of these youth do you estimate participated in your grant funded summer reading project with an adult?

Doris Hicks

Albany (Oregon) Public Library

Youth Services Librarian


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