[kids-lib] Article: Ideas and resources for making storytimes more inclusive

Katie Anderson katiea at wccls.org
Tue Nov 14 11:17:51 PST 2017

Oops, one of my links was wrong.  Here is the correct link:

*         Head Start's guide for selecting culturally responsive children's books<https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/selecting-culturally-appropriate-books.pdf>

From: Katie Anderson
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:34 AM
To: Kids-lib (kids-lib at listsmart.osl.state.or.us)
Subject: Article: Ideas and resurces for making storytimes more inclusive

I just read Storytime Can Be Social Justice Time<http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1897&context=olaq> by Natasha Forrester Campbell in the latest OLA Quarterly. It is well-worth taking 10 minutes to read.

Here are a few key points:

*         Many parents say that part of the appeal of storytimes is the opportunity to interact with other children and families. Storytimes are when many children meet families from different races, cultures, and countries of origin, either in person or through the pages of the books read to them.

*         Families attending any library storytime should feel seen, heard, and included even if it's not a special storytime aimed at their specific situation.

*         We owe it to our patrons and the kids we serve to think critically about what we offer and to always do better.

*         I am not an expert in storytime inclusivity. I don't think anyone can BE an expert in storytime inclusivity. But what I am and what we all can be is a storytime provider willing to make some changes, make some mistakes, think about some practices, listen to other people tell their stories, and make more changes ... wash, rinse, repeat.

Here are a few resources she suggests:

*         Storytime Underground's Storytime for Social Justice Toolkit<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-90_Ka77clOX1gtM2FjR0tSa0E/view> and list of questions<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xi3m8O4QrVicgnjCO7Y_CeOltrv9e9dX4jylBId1x1I/edit> to help storytime provides think critically about what we offer and identify some changes we might make

*         Head Start's guide for selecting culturally responsive children's books<http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1897&context=olaq>

*         Bryce Don't Play's blog addressing ableism<http://brycedontplay.blogspot.com/2016/11/accessibility-series-intro-post.html?m=1>

You will have to read Natasha's article<http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1897&context=olaq> to read the list of specific changes she has made to her storytimes!


Katie Anderson
Youth Services Librarian
katiea at wccls.org<mailto:katiea at wccls.org> |503-681-5098
wccls.org<http://www.wccls.org/>| Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/wccls/>|Twitter<https://twitter.com/wccls>


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