[kids-lib] Reminder: Free copies of the DVD “Beneath the Dome, Oregon” available (request by 2/2)
Jennifer Maurer
jennifer.maurer at state.or.us
Tue Jan 30 08:42:10 PST 2018
Just a friendly reminder about this opportunity to request a free copy of the DVD, “Beneath the Dome, Oregon.” Requests are due Friday, February 2nd. Please see the email below for details, and please pardon the cross-posting.
Jen Maurer, MLS
School Library Consultant
jennifer.maurer at state.or.us<mailto:jennifer.maurer at state.or.us> | 503-378-5011 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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From: Libs-Or On Behalf Of Tamara Ottum
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 11:26 AM
To: 'libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us'
Subject: [Libs-Or] Free copies of the DVD “Beneath the Dome, Oregon” available
The State Library is distributing free copies of the DVD “Beneath the Dome, Oregon” to Oregon schools and libraries, courtesy of the Oregon State Capitol Foundation.
This half-hour documentary details how Oregon’s capitol buildings have shaped our state: “From the first territorial government in Oregon City to today's modern state Capitol in Salem, citizen-legislators, elected leaders and Oregonians have met to shape the life and times of a uniquely independent state whose motto is, ‘She flies with her own wings.’ Government is not a spectator sport, and ‘The People's Capitol’ welcomes all to join in protecting what makes Oregon unique while making our great state a better place to live.”
Here is the WorldCat record: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1004854623
If you would like to request a copy for your school or library, please fill out this form<https://goo.gl/forms/Q2OMydwZEwuHk7Tn1> by Friday, February 2.
Contact me if you have any questions.
Tamara Ottum, MLIS
State Library of Oregon | Library Support & Development Services
tamara.ottum at state.or.us<mailto:tamara.ottum at state.or.us> | 503-378-6506<tel:%20(503)%20378-6506> | www.oregon.gov/osl<http://www.oregon.gov/osl>
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