[kids-lib] [ELEM] Kids InfoBits is now Gale In Context: Elementary

Jennifer Maurer jennifer.maurer at state.or.us
Fri May 29 13:33:12 PDT 2020

Please pardon the cross-posting.
[cid:image004.png at 01D635BD.2A2B9A40]Hi Folks,

Today the Gale K-5 database called Kids InfoBits transitioned to Gale In Context: Elementary, and the elementary-level Find Information page<https://elementary.oslis.org/find-information> on OSLIS has been updated. As shared<http://omls.oregon.gov/pipermail/kids-lib/2020-May/003536.html> earlier this month and explained in a Gale blog post<https://blog.gale.com/gale-kids-infobits-product-enhancements-launching-on-may-29/>, the purpose of the change was to align the database name and interface more closely with the In Context suite of databases, making the Gale experience more uniform across the grade levels. Access this article about octopuses<https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/NJWXLP397048460/ITKE?u=oslis&sid=ITKE&xid=de74d592> to explore. (If prompted for a password, use oslis.)

Users can still search three ways - clicking through a topic tree (with a mix of pictures and text), search, or advanced search. And, the same tools are still available, though they are concentrated on the top right of the screen and top right of the article - Get Link (formerly called Bookmark), Send To (save in Google Drive, etc.), Highlights and Notes, Listen (machine-read audio), Translate (into 40 languages), and more.

Here are a few new features and resources:

*         Hover over reading levels<https://assets.cengage.com/gale/docs/training/In%20Context%20Content%20Levels%20Guide.pdf> or click on the Article Info icon to see Lexile levels.

*         As in other In Context databases, you can browse topic pages. Each topic page starts with an overview article selected by a Gale editor and includes resources sorted by content types. Explore this topic page about allergies<https://link.gale.com/apps/portal/BBJHYJ174584344/ITKE?u=oslis&sid=ITKE&xid=8aabf016> as an example.

*         At the bottom of the database homepage, click on Educator Resources to get to tutorials and more.

*         This 3-minute video<https://support.gale.com/doc/itke-video2> provides a quick overview for educators.

Here's where to find the new database icon<https://support.gale.com/icon/products/>. Also, Gale is offering a webinar<https://support.gale.com/training/webinars/> on June 2nd at 11:30 am Pacific. Library staff and educators are welcome to participate. Can't make it? Check for a recording<https://support.gale.com/training/webinars/#recorded> a few days after the webinar.

Please share this information with relevant staff, and please help make sure that this change is reflected in the list of online resources on your library's website.


Jen Maurer, MLS
School Library Consultant
jennifer.maurer at state.or.us<mailto:jennifer.maurer at state.or.us> | 503-378-5011 | https://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries
Follow us: Facebook<https://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>

Coronavirus Info: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/coronavirus
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