[kids-lib] Plain-Language COVID resources from ASAN

Lisa Elliott lisae at tigard-or.gov
Thu Mar 25 15:39:28 PDT 2021

Thank you, Bryce! I noticed the Part-1 Basic Information PDF states there is no shot for COVID-19. There's a vaccine update<https://gmsavt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/COVID-19-HIGH-RISK-HEALTH-CONDITIONS-INCLUDED-IN-PHASE-5-Plain-Langauge.pdf> from this month, but some of the information is specific to Vermont. OHSU posted a link to this plain language resource about vaccines, though it doesn't say much about how to get one other than "talk to your doctor." https://selfadvocacyinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/COVID-19-Vaccine-Information-in-Plain-Language.pdf


Lisa N Elliott
Young Adult Librarian
Tigard Public Library
(503) 718-2654
lisae at tigard-or.gov<mailto:lisae at tigard-or.gov>

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From: Bryce Kozla <brycek at wccls.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 3:14 PM
To: Youth Services Librarians <CHILD at wccls.org>; Young Adult Librarians <YoungAdult at wccls.org>; Adult Services Librarians <REF at wccls.org>; kids-lib at omls.oregon.gov
Subject: Plain-Language COVID resources from ASAN

The Autism Self-Advocacy Network, in conjunction with Green Mountain Self-Advocates, created a plain-language resource toolkit for COVID-19<https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=autisticadvocacy.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRpc3RpY2Fkdm9jYWN5Lm9yZy9yZXNvdXJjZXMvY292aWQtcGwv&i=NThkOTg0MjhiMDMyODkxNGUwY2Y1NGVk&t=bzlSaGowQkVhRzhPWitXeThBckxBN0dVaGVRUUNmaGsrNjVERkc4Z2hMZz0=&h=0efa29ce19ab4f328bbf02d3c81c1e6b> in both English and Spanish. Plain language interpretations are most common for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities; the language used can also be helpful for a wide variety of people trying to sift through information that is by default academic, thorough, and/or confusing.

English toolkit<https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=gmsavt.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9nbXNhdnQub3JnLzM2NjUtMi8=&i=NThkOTg0MjhiMDMyODkxNGUwY2Y1NGVk&t=V1ZMN0JwRmV5NlF0MVUxUkUrbTVQM3pKdHBiNWZzVnpsTlBTUGdyQnNZVT0=&h=0efa29ce19ab4f328bbf02d3c81c1e6b>
Spanish toolkit<https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=selfadvocacyinfo.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWxmYWR2b2NhY3lpbmZvLm9yZy9yZXNvdXJjZS91bmEtZ3VpYS1kZS1hdXRvZGVmZW5zYS1jb250cmEtY292aWQtMTkv&i=NThkOTg0MjhiMDMyODkxNGUwY2Y1NGVk&t=cEQzdEZmZ0hCbU03RXE3Wks1RU9PdHhjKzhzMC82akxiZEtiZjZEWVRIOD0=&h=0efa29ce19ab4f328bbf02d3c81c1e6b>

You may find these helpful when communicating COVID-related information to the public.

Bryce Kozla

Youth Services Librarian

Library & Community Initiatives Team

Washington County Cooperative Library Services<https://www.wccls.org/>

brycek at wccls.org<mailto:brycek at wccls.org>


Monday, Wednesday-Friday 7:30 AM-4:00 PM

Tuesday 11:30AM-8PM


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