[Libs-Or] PL social software policies

Max T. Leek mtleek at co.douglas.or.us
Thu Sep 25 11:02:13 PDT 2008

I'm getting ready to "discuss" the idea of interactive library web pages
with our county counsel. In the past, the lawyers have been very nervous
about blogs, etc., because they think we might be creating an "open
forum" which would then be out of control!


Do any Oregon public libraries currently have web pages which encourage
public comment-blogs, forums, online book groups, etc? If so, how are
they moderated? Do they allow anonymous comments? We would be requiring
registration with a valid email address (which would not, of course, be
posted). I'm wondering about a "Social Software Policy" such as this one



Does anyone have such a policy in place?


Max Leek, Library Director                Nothing

Douglas County Library System                     is

1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd.                           Simple

Roseburg, OR 97470

mtleek at co.douglas.or.us


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