[Libs-Or] Call for Writers for the OLA Quarterly Spring 2011 Edition - Proposal deadline extended to December 8, 2010

Pam North pamn at wccls.org
Tue Nov 30 10:50:10 PST 2010

Call for Writers for the OLA Quarterly Spring 2011 Edition - Proposal
deadline extended to December 8, 2010


The OLA Quarterly's Spring 2011 issue will be about library staff and
their travels, libraries as destinations, and how our library wanderlust
has unearthed a variety of discoveries and surprises.


Through "Library Wonders and Wanderings: Travels Near and Far," we will
share our stories.  If you enjoy visiting libraries when you travel,
have worked in a library abroad, have "discovered" a library while on a
trip or make travel plans to include libraries - I would love to hear
about it!  Join me as we embark on a written library adventure.  


I would particularly like to hear from you if you have planned to visit
a library in the scope of your travels - like visiting New York PL and
its famous lions or taking a run up to Seattle to see what all the fuss
is about at Central.  Likewise, if you have tumbled across a treasure of
a library as you have toured the country/world!  These don't have to be
full-blown articles - it would be great if we could compile some
paragraphs of impressions or experiences.  Photos are welcome, too!  


Please send a brief summary (250 words or less) of your proposed article
by December 8, 2010 to Pam North at pamn at wccls.org
<mailto:pamn at wccls.org> .  I will notify authors by December 15 and
articles will be due by February 1, 2011.


For a list of guidelines for potential authors, check out:
<http://web.memberclicks.com/mc/page.do?sitePageId=64570&orgId=ola> .   


Back issues of OLAQ are available on OLA's website at
<http://www.olaweb.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=64573&orgId=ola> .

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