[Libs-Or] Certified Interpretive Guide Training Course

AMABILE Courtney * SLO Courtney.AMABILE at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Nov 10 10:41:45 PST 2020

The National Association for Interpretation's (NAI) Certified Interpretive Guide is a training built for front-line presenters, new facilitators, and programming professionals (including library staff) who offer public engagement experiences for their workplace or organization. This course enhances the participant's abilities to take complex topics and develop digestible and engaging programs through addressing programmatic organization, psychological theory of effective programming, history of interpretation as a profession, and presentation technique. A certification in communication for all audiences, this course can truly benefit the participant in any arena.

Target Audiences: this course is for program/presentation developers, programming librarians, front-line presenters, tour guides, docents, and anyone who creates or delivers programming.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  *   Describe the history, definition, and principles of interpretation
  *   Create programs that are purposeful, enjoyable, relevant, organized, thematic
  *   Use tangible objects to connect audiences to intangible ideas and universal concepts in interpretive programs
  *   Apply new presentation and communication skills by building a program outline throughout the week
  *   Practice learned skills in a required 10 minute presentation based on your program outline
This course includes most materials including a workbook and CIG course textbook.

For those interested in full certification, the following items will be required:

  *   Completion of a 50 question literature review
     *   Books for this review are not provided but avenues for securing these books are available through NAI at a significant discount for people taking the course
  *   Completed and instructor-approved program outline
  *   10 minute presentation modeling principles of interpretation
Course Information:
Dates: December 14th through 18th, 2020 (9:00 am - 3:30 pm, daily with breaks)
Location: Virtual (Zoom & other platforms)
Instructors: This course will be cofacilitated by:

  *   Denise Berkshire (CIGT, CIHT, CIT, CIG) Oregon Department of Forestry's Interpretation & Education Coordinator
  *   Deb Hill (CIGT, CIT, CIG) current OSU Masters student and former Oregon State Parks Ranger
  *   Cam Amabile (CIG), Volunteer & Operations Coordinator at the State Library of Oregon


With full Certification - $385

Without Certification - $235

To register please visit the following link: https://www.interpnet.com/nai/nai/_events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=VCG121420
For more information, please feel free to:

  *   Email Cam Amabile (courtney.amabile at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:courtney.amabile at slo.oregon.gov>)
  *   Visit NAI's website: https://www.interpnet.com
Hope to see you there!

Courtney "Cam" Amabile
Volunteer & Operations Coordinator
PGP: she, her, hers
courtney.amabile at slo.oregon.gov
Cell: 503-507-2141 | Office: 503-378-5014
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>

[Title: State Library of Oregon]

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