[Local-Gov-News] Oregon State Treasury | LGIP Business Systems Renewal

Thu Jun 22 16:31:33 PDT 2017

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LGIP Business Systems Renewal

Check Your Mailbox
The first phase of transition packets were mailed to counties, school districts, education service districts, and community colleges last week. To see if your organization was included and the mailing address used, visit our website at


If your organization is on the list but you haven't yet received your packet, call PFM Client Services team at (855) OST-LGIP or (855) 678-5447 for assistance.

If you have received your packet but haven't yet completed and submitted it, please do so as quickly as possible to ensure your ability to process transactions in the new system. The fastest and best way to submit the forms is by fax to (888) 535-0120. During peak times (8:00-9:00 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m.), you may encounter a busy signal. If so, forms may also be sent by fax to (800) 252-9551.

If you have any questions about the forms or how to complete them, contact PFM's Client Services team at (855) OST-LGIP or (855) 678-5447.

Tips and Reminders

Remember to sign and submit the second page of the LGIP Permissions form. The person signing the form needs to be a current authorized signer in the records of the pool. To verify or modify your organization's authorized signers, contact Treasury's Local Government Coordinator at (800) 452-0345.

Transfer Instructions
Complete and submit the LGIP Transfer Instructions form only if you need the ability to transfer money from your organization's pool account to another local government's pool account. Do not complete or submit the form if you only need to transfer money between your organization's own pool accounts or if you need to transfer money from your organization's pool account to a state agency. This form also is not used to change your organization's bank account information.

Bank Account Information
As part of the transition, your organization's bank account information will be securely transferred by Treasury to PFM. Until EON goes live, continue to contact Treasury's Local Government Coordinator at (800) 452-0345 if you need to make changes to this information.

Transaction Requests and Account Maintenance
Until EON goes live, continue using the Voice Response System at (877) 888-1767 or contact Treasury's Local Government Coordinator at (800) 452-0345 to initiate transactions or maintain account information.

350 Winter Street NE, Suite 100 | Salem, OR 97301-3896 | Phone (503) 378-4000 | www.oregon.gov/treasury<http://www.oregon.gov/treasury>

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