[OYAN] Graphic Novel List guidelines - look them over once again

Kris Lutsock kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us
Tue Jun 28 15:52:17 PDT 2011

The subcommittee for creating the upcoming graphic novel list, the OYAN leadership, and the regular membership meeting attendees have battered around ideas for about as long as we can.  Here are the proposed guidelines for the new graphic novel list.  The timeframe, number of books, and criteria we've selected are based on our best guess about participation from the membership. At some point we just decided that perhaps the best idea would be to do it for a year or two than make adjustments as necessary.   If some portion of the guidelines are not clear or you have severe misgivings about any facet, now is the time to make suggestions.  We will put the rubber stamp on these at the Summer membership meeting if there is no issue.

If you can't open up the attachment (which seems to be commonplace with those of you receiving this in the digest form), e-mail me and I can send you the file directly to your e-mail.

Kris Lutsock
Oregon Young Adult Vice Chair/Chair Elect
McMinnville Public Library
225 NW Adams St.
McMinnville, OR 97128
kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us<mailto:kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us>

My library
Was dukedom large enough.
- Shakespeare, The Tempest

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