[OYAN] Title of series

Ruth Allen rutha at multcolib.org
Sat Oct 15 09:54:00 PDT 2011

Hi Patrick.  In the minutes, I have that Stacy and Mark were reading George
R.R. Martin's latest, *A Dance With Dragons*.  Could this be what you're
thinking of?  It's over 1000 pages and is #5 in the series Song of Ice and


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Patrick Goodman <PatrickG at wccls.org> wrote:

>  Dear Colleagues,
>    At the last OYAN meeting in Newport, a number of people listed a book
> series (that garnered a general groan due to series length) as their current
> read. Could anyone please remind me which series this is, as I'm in dire
> need of a fiction book. For anyone who likes non-fiction, I'm reading Gorgon
> by Peter Ward right now, which has been really interesting.
>    Also, for history buffs, if you haven't heard of Mike Duncan's free
> podcast on the history of Rome, subscribe today. He's pretty far into
> everything, but it's well worth starting right at the beginning. Each
> podcast is only about 15-22 minutes, and very easy to follow. I used to have
> a pretty healthy dislike for Roman history, but no longer.
>   Hopefully, I'll see everyone at the next meeting. have a great weekend.
> Sincerely,
> Patrick
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Ruth Allen
Youth Librarian
Central Library
Multnomah County Library
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