[OYAN] OYAN Fall Membership Meeting Agenda

Kris Lutsock kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us
Tue Oct 25 15:32:51 PDT 2011

I've attached the agenda for the business portion (after the programs on a shoestring budget workshop) of the membership meeting.

Do you have any additions to the agenda or requests for change?  Please let me know!

Two requests:

One, during introductions, please tell us about a book you've recently read which you 'd recommend the rest of us to read (and/or that would be a good addition to our collections).  This is for everyone!

Two, if you've read other titles recently, good or bad, be prepared to offer your critiques of said books during transitions between topics.  I think it will help break things up.  Not required of you, but it will be appreciated!

See you there!

Kris Lutsock
Oregon Young Adult Network Chair
McMinnville Public Library
225 NW Adams St.
McMinnville, OR 97128
kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us<mailto:kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us>

My library
Was dukedom large enough.
- Shakespeare, The Tempest

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