[OYAN] SRP reminder #1: Order sweepstakes material, print certificates, free summer lunch bookmarks, and more!

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Wed May 31 09:55:11 PDT 2017

Summer reading is about to begin! Don't forget...

*         Contact Kathy Griffin (KGriffin at tiaa.org<mailto:KGriffin at tiaa.org>) to order more Read a Book Save for College<https://www.oregoncollegesavings.com/buzz/summer-reading.shtml> materials for the summer reading sweepstakes<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/youthsvcs/summerreading/sweepstakes.aspx>. A partnership with the Oregon College Savings Plan, Oregon State Library, and Oregon Library Association's Children's Services Division (CSD) and Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN).

*         Free summer lunch bookmarks are on the way-they should arrive at your library in a week or two! Only about 1 in 5 students who eat free or reduced meals during the school year also eat free lunch in the summer. Hunger negatively impacts learning and behavior so please help children and teens find free summer lunch sites<http://www.summerfoodoregon.org/>! A partnership with the Oregon State Library and Oregon Department of Education's Summer Food Service Program. Contact Cathy Brock (cathy.brock at state.or.us<mailto:cathy.brock at state.or.us>) to order more free summer lunch bookmarks.

*         Download and print summer reading certificates<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/youthsvcs/SRP/Certificates.aspx> from the State Library's webpage. The children, teen, and adults certificates are in full color, and the all-ages certificate is black and white. The children, adult, and all-ages certificates are bilingual. A partnership with the Oregon State Library, CSD, and OYAN.

*         For your readers who are print-disabled, borrowing books in accessible formats is easy.  Fill out an application for service<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/TalkingBooks/Pages/registration.aspx#Applications> for the patron and sign the back page for them.  Once that application is received by the Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library they will handle setting your patron up with plenty of titles in audio or Braille format. Print disabilities include, but are not limited to vision impairment, blindness, physical disabilities, or learning disabilities.

*         Watch AM Northwest! KATU is promoting summer reading<http://katu.com/amnw> at public libraries and Read a Book Save for College with four AM Northwest spots, lots of commercials, and a summer reading webpage (coming soon). Sponsored by the Oregon College Savings Plan, and in partnership with the State Library, CSD, and OYAN.

*         Oregon libraries that serve fewer than 10,000 people have already booked one free summer reading performer to promote summer reading and Read a Book Save for College. That's 51% of Oregon public libraries! Sponsored by the Oregon College Savings Plan, and in partnership with the State Library, CSD, and OYAN.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great summer!

PS: I know you're busy so I'll send out this reminder two more times, with a few updates, once in early July and again in early August.

Katie Anderson
Youth Services Consultant
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us> | 503-378-2528 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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