[OYAN] Urgent-Still Need Help Soliciting for Prizes

SusaKat D susakatd at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 13:23:57 PST 2018

Hello All,

OYAN still needs people to solicit businesses and organizations for prizes
for the 2018 OLA Raffle supporting OYAN. If you would like to help, please
don't be shy and take a peek at the *OYAN List of Places to Solicit* (link
below) or feel free to approach the place of your choice. A OYAN donation
request letter is attached for your convenience. Please modify accordingly.
Questions? Feel free to contact me at susakatd at gmail.com.


Thank you,

Susan Davis

OYAN Incoming Co-Chair 2018-2019

*Here is the original request:*

Dear OYAN Supporters,

Its officially time to kick off the 2018 OLA Raffle supporting OYAN. The
first step is prize solicitation and we need your assistance with this
part. Please consider approaching businesses/organizations for prize
donations. Attached to this email is a generic OYAN donation letter that
can be used when approaching places with a request. Feel free to modify it.

To assist you in your pursuit of prize donations is this view only link
[link is below] to a Google Sheet titled *OYAN List of Places to Solicit*. We
are using this list to keep track of who is soliciting whom and to give
individuals suggestions on who they could potentially contact. On this list
are the names of places to solicit along with whether or not there is
someone currently assigned to them. If there is an *N* in the
*Assigned Y/N* column
that means that the place is up for grabs. If you decide that you want to
approach a place on the list please let me know via email. You may contact
me at *susakatd at gmail.com <susakatd at gmail.com>* and I will assign you to
the available place of your choice. I will be updating the list on a
continuous basis. Note that the list is not all restrictive thus if you
plan to approach a place not listed that works too. Please let me know that
information (name of the place) and I will add it to the list along with
your name. The deadline for notifying me of the place that you plan to
solicit is *ASAP.*

Once you receive notification that a prize will be donated please pass that
information along to either Angela Arena at aarena at co.tillamook.or.us or
myself at the susakatd at gmail.com*.* We need this information no later than

Thank you,

Susan Davis

OYAN Incoming Co-Chair 2018-2019
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