[OYAN] Urgent-Still Need Help Soliciting for Prizes

SusaKat D susakatd at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 13:39:18 PST 2018

Apologies. I made a slight modification to the original request-I changed
the date to show ASAP for notifying me on the place you plan to solicit.

Thank you,

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 1:23 PM, SusaKat D <susakatd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> OYAN still needs people to solicit businesses and organizations for prizes
> for the 2018 OLA Raffle supporting OYAN. If you would like to help, please
> don't be shy and take a peek at the *OYAN List of Places to Solicit*
> (link below) or feel free to approach the place of your choice. A OYAN
> donation request letter is attached for your convenience. Please modify
> accordingly. Questions? Feel free to contact me at susakatd at gmail.com.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yK77cpstTTq111kbSQnyh-
> Gn9fXLZj_mecpwBFRH_hE/edit?usp=sharing
> Thank you,
> Susan Davis
> OYAN Incoming Co-Chair 2018-2019
> *Here is the original request:*
> Dear OYAN Supporters,
> Its officially time to kick off the 2018 OLA Raffle supporting OYAN. The
> first step is prize solicitation and we need your assistance with this
> part. Please consider approaching businesses/organizations for prize
> donations. Attached to this email is a generic OYAN donation letter that
> can be used when approaching places with a request. Feel free to modify it.
> To assist you in your pursuit of prize donations is this view only link
> [link is below] to a Google Sheet titled *OYAN List of Places to Solicit*
> . We are using this list to keep track of who is soliciting whom and to
> give individuals suggestions on who they could potentially contact. On this
> list are the names of places to solicit along with whether or not there is
> someone currently assigned to them. If there is an *N* in the *Assigned
> Y/N* column that means that the place is up for grabs. If you decide that
> you want to approach a place on the list please let me know via email. You
> may contact me at *susakatd at gmail.com <susakatd at gmail.com>* and I will
> assign you to the available place of your choice. I will be updating the
> list on a continuous basis. Note that the list is not all restrictive thus
> if you plan to approach a place not listed that works too. Please let me
> know that information (name of the place) and I will add it to the list
> along with your name. The deadline for notifying me of the place that you
> plan to solicit is *ASAP.*
> Once you receive notification that a prize will be donated please pass
> that information along to either Angela Arena at aarena at co.tillamook.or.us
>  or myself at the susakatd at gmail.com*.* We need this information no later
> than *3/20/2018*.
> Thank you,
> Susan Davis
> OYAN Incoming Co-Chair 2018-2019
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