[OYAN] Oct. 31: OBOB Cut-off to Register This Year & to Submit Title Noms for 2024-25

MAURER Jennifer L * SLO jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Oct 25 17:10:41 PDT 2023

Please pardon the cross-posting. Hi. Information about upcoming Oregon Battle of the Books<https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/> (OBOB) deadlines is below. - Cheers, Jen (Jen Maurer, School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon, jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>)

From: ola at memberclicks-mail.net <ola at memberclicks-mail.net> On Behalf Of Libby Hamler-Dupras
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 4:39 PM
To: MAURER Jennifer L * SLO <jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>
Subject: [oasl-all] HEADS UP- Oct. 31 is the cut-off for submitting your OBOB Title nominations for 2024-25 OBOB title cycle AND registering your school or public library

Halloween is the cut-off date for registering your school or public library to participate in the Oregon Battle of the Books program


For submitting your 2024-25 OBOB book nominations

Oregon Library Association * PO Box 3067, La Grande, Oregon 97850, United States
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