[R2R-OR] Friday, November 1st Shoutout

BERGQUIST Greta * SLO Greta.BERGQUIST at slo.oregon.gov
Fri Nov 1 16:48:26 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

Happy Friday, everyone. It's been a big week! I wasn't able to shoutout last week so am sending a lot today -

You all have a great sense of fun, as seen in library staff Halloween costumes, including these from Baker City<https://www.facebook.com/BCLD.BakerLibrary/posts/pfbid02gnJArGDhSGdLKKaAGNFBEhXcUwSSUeb5AhijSJpvXftWp3fjhQUGax31MZ8VcXbTl> and Silver Falls<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0zMtCBbKn8As91jrsgvDPLmizTpRAPf7goSpCSAQHAtMKpR6kMtquNRc8KL5bXVktl&id=100064772584503>. Yoncalla hosted a Haunted Library<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid033sT4G9FXB2e1qjWgP8dA66mX5HkwDfxyDETDfBWSe3DuNzGBHm5PDjGwTGSYGr3Ml&id=100064590499706>, and Gilliam County<https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0nHQisgTKZiuLWeNqTnxX3rWcApbREBbar5rqhpt4J9n69vLsUCrtb11Wz8uEf4FJl&id=100064845781940> had fun decorations. Western Oregon took the opportunity to highlight creepy archive material<https://www.facebook.com/woulibrary/posts/pfbid02cnzPWFL8zJaEoB4A6VCBoNttT5Nmt35pCTonp5ntwV4EkBaY1Hy9dsaBciihZRd7l>. (I'm really a wimp when it comes to creepy/scary/horror - my least favorite Halloween visitor last night had a mask that fake bled and the whole time they were selecting which candy to take from my porch I had to look at something else.) We also know there are a LOT of Dia de los Muertos celebrations<https://www.portlandtribune.com/news/ofrendas-and-offering-community-celebrating-dia-de-los-muertos-from-east-county-to-estacada/article_5a4f97c7-7b92-591c-a6b5-e6a70b305c30.html> happening this weekend, I'm sure we'll have more to share next week.

But wait, there's more! Several libraries are working on renovations, including North Bend<https://www.facebook.com/NorthBendPublicLibraryOregon/posts/pfbid02Tzm2Auvsy6GR4J96vfhvzZPEZ5qiZaKWf1JSaATFYHiDqBYDNY9diBKFL6jnvUx8l>, which packed up 70,000 items. We know the disruptions will be worth it but can be challenging - nice work to everyone using patience and fortitude while doing renovations this fall!

While Halloween and Dia de los Muertos celebrations are happening, I wanted to also shoutout someone singing the praises of rural libraries - Stephanie Chase from Libraries of Eastern Oregon was recently interviewed on the Roundhouse Foundation's podcast<https://roundhousefoundation.org/funding-rural-podcast/season-two/libraries-democracy-drivers-stephanie-chase/> and focused on sharing how critical libraries are, especially in rural spaces - something many of you know firsthand! Thanks to Stephanie for sharing loudly about this!

Hope you all have a good weekend and have enough Halloween candy at your house to last a couple weeks.


Greta Bergquist, MLIS, MAT (she/her/hers)
Youth Services Consultant
State Library of Oregon
greta.bergquist at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:greta.bergquist at slo.oregon.gov>  | 971-375-3549

[Title: State Library of Oregon]

Book time to meet with me<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/1c6ecfda2cf847cbb61fed6237b880f6@slo.oregon.gov?anonymous&ep=signature>

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