[Sora] FW: Open WUSS Executive Committee Position: Treasurer

CHAPMAN Tasha L * DCBS Tasha.L.Chapman at oregon.gov
Tue Aug 13 15:57:36 PDT 2019

Are you a SAS User?  Are you interested in getting more involved with SAS Users Groups?  Do you love budgeting?

If so – have we got a position for you!

Check out below for more info.

From: Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) <socialmedia at wuss.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 3:53 PM
To: CHAPMAN Tasha L * DCBS <Tasha.L.Chapman at oregon.gov>
Subject: Open WUSS Executive Committee Position: Treasurer


Open WUSS Executive Committee Position
Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) Executive Committee (EC) is seeking applications for the position of Treasurer. This position is appointed by current EC members, based on applications from WUSS attendees. The three-year term begins immediately after the closing session of the WUSS 2020 Educational Forum and Conference. Attendance is expected at the pre-conference Financial Training onsite Tuesday prior to WUSS 2020, and at the EC meeting following WUSS 2020 on Friday and Saturday.  There will also be a period of shadowing the out-going Treasurer at in-person and teleconference EC meetings during the spring of 2020.
Members of the WUSS Executive Committee:

     *   Participate in a volunteer capacity.
     *   Have a knowledge of the organization and maintain a personal commitment to its goals and objectives (see more about WUSS at wuss.org).
     *   Have an understanding of in-house, local, regional or national SAS users’ groups.
     *   Attend all WUSS EC meetings which are held.

        *   In person, usually three weekends per year: immediately following the WUSS conference, in winter (late January/early February), and in spring (late May/early June).
        *   Via conference calls and email, as needed for EC decision making.

Position Description:
The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee (EC) and works the Finance Committee on financial matters associated with the WUSS organization. This includes keeping current and accurate finances in QuickBooks, annual budgeting, periodically assessing budget status, and keeping the rest of the EC informed in order to make financial decisions. Familiarity with generally accepted accounting principles and QuickBooks software is desirable. The Treasurer should have excellent organization and management skills, effective communication skills, creativity, and leadership skills.  Residency or principal place of work in the WUSS region is preferred.
Duties include:

     *   Manage, with the help of the Finance Committee, the EC’s review of and action related to the EC’s financial responsibilities.
     *   Assure prompt payment of invoices and expenses.
     *   Maintain current/accurate financial records in QuickBooks.
     *   Work with the Operations Chair to develop and prepare a conference budget (subset of the corporation budget).
     *   Develop and prepare annual corporation budget.
     *   Present the annual budgets to the EC for approval.
     *   Provide a conference financial summary of the conference within 60 days of each conference.
     *   Work with the Finance Committee to ensure financial reports are made available to the EC on a timely basis as well as in advance of each EC meeting.
     *   Lead Financial Training sessions for WUSS Finance Track leadership three times per year.
     *   Work with an accountant on all WUSS tax matters ensuring that taxes are filed on time.
     *   Schedule 3rd party audits of the organizations finances as directed by the EC.
To apply, submit:

     *   A resume highlighting your relevant professional, user group experience and attendance. Please include any information pertaining to relevant treasurer/financal experience.
     *   An explanation of why you will make a good EC member; what you will contribute to WUSS EC.
     *   Your goals for WUSS.
     *   Why you should be selected as Treasurer.
Submit application by COB September 30, 2019 to Tasha Chapman, WUSS EC President, president at wuss.org<mailto:president at wuss.org>. The WUSS EC will evaluate submissions based on the above criteria and make a decision around November 1, 2019.
If you know of a qualified candidate, please share this position announcement with them and encourage them to apply.
If you’re considering applying for this position, we would love to meet with you at the WUSS 2019 conference!  Please send an email to finance at wuss.org<mailto:finance at wuss.org>





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