[Sora] Two Positions Open - Office of Forecasting Research and Analysis

TOOMAN Gregory Gregory.TOOMAN at dhsoha.state.or.us
Tue May 28 16:11:56 PDT 2019

The Office of Forecasting Research and Analysis, a Shared Service of the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority, is recruiting for two full-time positions:

Research Analyst 4, Lead Database Report Analyst

This is a position with the Integrated Client Services data warehouse (ICS), which contains information about clients receiving services through most major Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority programs. The position will manage data elements to complete client-matching projects across multiple databases and collaborate with others to facilitate research and program evaluation. In addition, this person will be asked to work with technical staff to produce summary reports and visualizations from the data as requested by OFRA staff, outside researchers or collaborators, or the ICS administrator.
For more information, see here:

Economist 4,  Self-Sufficiency and Long-Term Care caseload forecaster.

This position as the lead caseload forecaster is responsible for developing projections of statewide caseloads for major programs administered by the Department of Human Services. This position will be responsible for developing and modifying complex statistical models incorporating economic and demographic variables that can influence participation in means-tested programs. A successful candidate for this position must be able to explain forecast methodologies and policy issues to technical and non-technical audiences, including executive leadership, program leadership, budget staff; financial office and legislative staff; legislators, media and members of the public.
For more information, see here:

Gregory Tooman
Manager, Office of Forecasting Research and Analysis
A Shared Service of the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority
500 Summer Street NE, Salem OR 97301

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