[techtalk] Tech-Talk: INTERNET - Be a Google Doodler

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue Jun 13 09:28:28 PDT 2017


(My apologies, this is last week’s newsletter that didn’t make it out to you all; you can expect this week’s newsletter later today or tomorrow.)

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Please do not forward.

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This paid subscription service is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon. Enjoy!


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[http://www.tech-talk.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Oregon-State-new.png]Brought to you by the State Library of Oregon

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Contact Darci Hanning at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> if you have questions.

[Tech-Talk Video]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I1SpZy4i8grnRcoHKQq6zlFzML7eSSSQwdZ6aMr22rskD8mDQGlTT7ekEDAk19RVuHKK3DBmNdOaBglUBVYUGM902l6_1xEjKyFaVerm62XQi-rEwATH3NvLB-eqCP70vfExXkHyWN6S9SxGDc-Hu3T0_fFgsu-kDexcfBldxPblbazVbV4eOo6ciM5PYfSDfVp3YAx267CqwXdCLj9ciUx_CrRpkxi9&c=2qcG_4zjtaaPzHa56e_XitL2ITXskAdoiAzBaxWmhUkmmZnGYjdogA==&ch=2ao4ZipXjOk6B8Fc7DgeDeijp8vD6w6H5TwPWNgWx8w99uKj1fkD9w==>
This Week's Tech-Talk:  WEBSITE
1. VIDEO ... Be a Google Doodler
2. ARTICLE ... Be a Google Doodler
3. COMMUNICATING ... Avoid Embarrassing Email

NOTE: To view the VIDEO, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I1SpZy4i8grnRcoHKQq6zlFzML7eSSSQwdZ6aMr22rskD8mDQGlTT7ekEDAk19RVuHKK3DBmNdOaBglUBVYUGM902l6_1xEjKyFaVerm62XQi-rEwATH3NvLB-eqCP70vfExXkHyWN6S9SxGDc-Hu3T0_fFgsu-kDexcfBldxPblbazVbV4eOo6ciM5PYfSDfVp3YAx267CqwXdCLj9ciUx_CrRpkxi9&c=2qcG_4zjtaaPzHa56e_XitL2ITXskAdoiAzBaxWmhUkmmZnGYjdogA==&ch=2ao4ZipXjOk6B8Fc7DgeDeijp8vD6w6H5TwPWNgWx8w99uKj1fkD9w==>. Enter the User Name and Password!

Tech-Talk: EMAIL - Be a Google Doodler

You've undoubtedly gone to look something up on the Internet and encountered a fun, brightly colored image on the Google home page -- different from their normal logo. The Google browser often does interesting things with its name.

You may think they are just clever graphics, but if you click on the image you'll discover a surprisingly interesting fact or historical information. It's like a little treasure when you press it because it actually links to something that you may find useful and mind-expanding.

These spontaneous images (that include the word "Google" in them) actually have a name and a purpose. They are called Google Doodles and honor the lives of famous artists, pioneers and scientists.

They were created to celebrate the holidays, events and anniversaries that reflect Google's core beliefs and love for innovation.

Google, with all its vast resources, cleverly introduces these historical and newsworthy images for their users on a regular basis.

For example, here's a recent Doodle -- an activist for Native American Indians. Cool!

[Google image]
When you clicked on the image that day it linked to a page with this information:
[Google Doodle]

Doodle History

[1st Google Doodle]The first Google Doodle was introduced in 1998. It included a simple stick figure drawing behind the 2nd "o" in Google to represent they were "out of office" attending the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert.

Two years later they began adding more Doodles and over time, there have been over 2000 different images.

There are actually full time illustrators that create these images now called "Doodlers". What a fun job title -- Google Doodler!

Doodle 4 Google

Google also reaches out to the public for Doodle ideas.

 Every year since 2008 they have sponsored a contest called "Doodle 4 Google" for students in grades K-12. Children and young adults are invited to submit an entry to be featured on the Google Home page -- with the possibility of winning a slew of prizes including a $30K college scholarship and $50K Google for Education Technology award for their school or non-profit organization.

 Check out the details of this empowering program here, https://doodles.google.com/d4g/index.html

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I1SpZy4i8grnRcoHKQq6zlFzML7eSSSQwdZ6aMr22rskD8mDQGlTT7ekEDAk19RV3dv7uptrADu5oRAlYvOr6CATftnpfEHjUjUtGoN9Bfs8XRiuKs6I0qYLFMKq-44l7HyaF3mZXh0Naiej__NwbSZMtPXqggJcXXaGEEKOTmlNNs8kd-TkiJxjNgL4PxEO16x5ZwR1vaI=&c=2qcG_4zjtaaPzHa56e_XitL2ITXskAdoiAzBaxWmhUkmmZnGYjdogA==&ch=2ao4ZipXjOk6B8Fc7DgeDeijp8vD6w6H5TwPWNgWx8w99uKj1fkD9w==> For the 2016-17 contest students were asked to create a Doodle about what they see for the future. Here is Sarah Harrison from Connecticut (10th-12th grade group) winning entry.
[content winner]

You don't have to enter the contest to submit your idea. Anyone can email their doodle to proposals at google.com<mailto:proposals at google.com> for consideration.

Google Doodle Archives

To see prior Doodles, visit their expansive archive, https://www.google.com/doodles#archive<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I1SpZy4i8grnRcoHKQq6zlFzML7eSSSQwdZ6aMr22rskD8mDQGlTT7ekEDAk19RVHY1S7Hdfj2BWEzK0ii5P6wt6rYn8pn_sGYiuMruY9qCQ3HwbSo3cb0Iu0Je1C8Q_PP3XvQ1UrC3iOcOzTZJvc4VCQV-ZELNlv9l8AXzhxKuzktDZcf833AZQVCD9d2iz&c=2qcG_4zjtaaPzHa56e_XitL2ITXskAdoiAzBaxWmhUkmmZnGYjdogA==&ch=2ao4ZipXjOk6B8Fc7DgeDeijp8vD6w6H5TwPWNgWx8w99uKj1fkD9w==>
Pictured below are some recent Doodles. NOTE: Many of them have motion to them so this still image does not reflect the full creativity of the design.
[Google Doodles]

[http://files.constantcontact.com/ee1208b4001/e565d7d1-215e-487a-8e78-f332113e7825.jpg]Communicating:  Email
Add email address last to avoid embarrassment
Have you ever had an email get sent before you were finished.  You hadn't finished writing ... and certainly not proofing it ... when whoosh, there it went!

A handy habit you may want to consider is to add the email address last. Yes, even when you are replying to a message, delete the recipient's info first.  Create the message, then go back and tell it to whom you want it sent.

This is a safety precaution you may want to use, for sure, with important, sensitive communication.  However, getting in the habit for ordinary notes can prove beneficial as well.


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Copyright 1996-2017 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Do not forward this issue of Tech-Talk.com without prior permission from Shared Results International. Distribution is limited by contract. Forwarding it to unauthorized recipients constitutes copyright infringement. For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>.


Darci Hanning, MLIS
Technology Development Consultant
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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Ask me about the Edge Initiative<http://oregonedge.net/>!

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