[techtalk] Tech-Talk: WORD - "Paste" Without Formatting Problems

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue Jun 19 12:59:39 PDT 2018


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[Copy and paste]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001yCWDqfFaawc-LTeqn51Cy6uih-tfC3PnZqeWCIaaUj1d-MlbOtkPnvCLbvHpbCC7vAOtxlJ0f5AwtMxlv1CwHsLNxGb-yPBpwI-23BFg5VFiP9VKQBccwcENINeqKNA3PXhS9hmf9MGQXwWNdt6D3E61SARLnQ5B6dZhPRZSn102yULnJQxPJqBsXyVV6dkS-njJus4VSi5i9Nu1C_2a5Q==&c=_a0dkYDytm7KvUxvS926ZlLv0tSnrzkRiV5IoHC4ya1Fcw4hvu8yUA==&ch=5wcUi9ugzppT02pqiPRYqwMnFvG3DHVdDuH52UliZocigIsKLyzXOw==>

 This Week's Tech-Talk: WORD

1. VIDEO ... Paste Without Formatting Problems
2. ARTICLE ... Paste Without Formatting Problems
3. COMMUNICATING ... "Would you consider..."

NOTE: To view the VIDEO, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001yCWDqfFaawc-LTeqn51Cy6uih-tfC3PnZqeWCIaaUj1d-MlbOtkPnvCLbvHpbCC7vAOtxlJ0f5AwtMxlv1CwHsLNxGb-yPBpwI-23BFg5VFiP9VKQBccwcENINeqKNA3PXhS9hmf9MGQXwWNdt6D3E61SARLnQ5B6dZhPRZSn102yULnJQxPJqBsXyVV6dkS-njJus4VSi5i9Nu1C_2a5Q==&c=_a0dkYDytm7KvUxvS926ZlLv0tSnrzkRiV5IoHC4ya1Fcw4hvu8yUA==&ch=5wcUi9ugzppT02pqiPRYqwMnFvG3DHVdDuH52UliZocigIsKLyzXOw==>. Enter the Username and Password!

Tech-Talk: WORD - Tricks for "Previewing" Paste Options

[paste options]

The other day I was creating a new document in Word -- copying sections from a few other docs, spreadsheets and web pages.

I ended up with a mis-match of different font styles, headings and colors. What a mess! I then needed to go back and re-format all of that content.

Do you ever run into this? Maybe you're copying a recipe from a web page, and when you paste, it brings in the background color, a huge title and weird font -- a bunch of junk you don't want.

Well, there's a quick trick to copying and pasting in Word that will save you time and frustration.

Preview Your Paste Options

This little trick will sound simple… because it is! And because many people just copy and paste (without looking at what other options you have) we want to make sure you know this special technique.

So… when you copy content from one place… such as from another document, a website page or maybe a PDF, into a Word doc -- instead of just pasting it, do this:

Preview your paste options ... before pasting!

[paste options]

Here's how you do that.

Highlight what you want to copy, right-click and choose Copy.

Now, instead of going to your Word doc and pasting the content "as is"…

·     In the Home tab (don't click on Paste!)
·     Instead, go to the Paste Options (or right-click).
·     Then just hover over each choice (the Paste Options) to get a preview of what it will look like in your document ... IF you were to paste.
·     When you see the formatting you like, click on that option. That's it!

Don't worry about what each option is named. Instead, just hover and preview to SEE how the paste will look! (There are fancy names for the paste options such as: Keep Source Formatting, Merge Formatting or Keep Text Only and more.)

NOTE: The number of preview choices you see will vary depending on what you're copying. Sometimes there are only two paste option choices, other instances may have as many as five or six.

One Simple Example

Here's an example so you can see what we mean. On Wimp.com I want to copy the first few lines of this web page to put in a training booklet I'm creating.


So I highlight the text for June 17th. It looks like this.


But, if I just "paste" it into a Word document, I get this mess below. I will either have to spend a lot of time re-formatting or choose something else.



So this is when Paste Options comes in handy!

I go to the Paste area, and click on the DOWN arrow to see the various Paste Option choices. (In our example, there are three.)

Hovering over each one (with the copied text in my clipboard, but without clicking on anything yet), I'll see how the text would appear, if I chose that option.

How great is it to SEE what it will look like before clicking!

After hovering, I find the one I want. It's simple text, nicely aligned, no background. It looks like this...


Bottom Line. The trick of just a quick "mouse-over" before pasting can give you the visual you need to keep (or eliminate) formatting options!


Communicating: Talking
Would you consider...?

Did you know that there is one word that "fund development" professionals know to use that works magic for them?

These are the folks who are tasked with raising lots of money for an organization. They ask potential donors for financial contributions. Often they're asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions.

What they don't say is "Will you donate $1 Million dollars to this worthy cause?"

Instead, they say "Will you consider donating $1 Million dollars to this worthy cause?"

Everyone is willing to "consider" things. Adding that word in any of your requests, can make a big difference.

Examples: (How does each feel to you?)

·     Would you join our team?
·     Would you consider joining our team?

·     Will you stay late tonight to help?
·     Would you consider staying late tonight to help?

·     I think the training program title could be changed.
·     Would you consider changing the title to the training program?


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We can help! CLICK HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001yCWDqfFaawc-LTeqn51Cy6uih-tfC3PnZqeWCIaaUj1d-MlbOtkPnvAqPXaGH4HilxFDO2Q8J7OocDBgUGVayF7DbTVWIfQ8d65OcYZkbWxbe2Aw8184s5WtfGpXHej5c61sNn6AHXm4Oabeh2Lbmhwt3cvfCPpo8QNKJ8lhkws=&c=_a0dkYDytm7KvUxvS926ZlLv0tSnrzkRiV5IoHC4ya1Fcw4hvu8yUA==&ch=5wcUi9ugzppT02pqiPRYqwMnFvG3DHVdDuH52UliZocigIsKLyzXOw==>.

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For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

Darci Hanning, MLIS
Technology Development Consultant
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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