[techtalk] Tech-Talk: WEB TOOL - Fill in “Non-fillable” Forms with PDFescape

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue Sep 11 12:17:31 PDT 2018


Word has it that a Tech-Talk Newsletter a day helps keep the gremlins away so for this week, I’ll be sending out a backlog of previous newsletters (three) in addition to this week’s edition. (My apologies, I’ve been out of the office more than in, unfortunately so I’m playing catchup).

Here’s the second issue from the backlog:


 Want to share Tech-Talk? Ask first. Contact info at Tech-Talk.com<mailto:info at tech-talk.com> © 2018 Shared Results International

 This Week's Topic: WEB TOOL

1. VIDEO ... Fill in “Non-fillable” Forms with PDFescape
2. ARTICLE ... Fill in “Non-fillable” Forms with PDFescape
3. COMMUNICATING ... Build trust with an eye contact exercise

[PDF escape]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyjlB1PYqtwKZqGfWVxpgNmOeXcEkuaNbtYbpboZVb8BEbZM2JW9BIVbzL9hTv-vMQ7BwfXJRjeyIkdtfMQhggGRv301s5wW2u91jbpEWIVGphpqMMZivmKS07rLy4BqdmC9snTeCg0jaMKDzfUW8mwNIui03pYyD0w==&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==>

Photo by rawpixel<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyjlB1PYqtwKZT1qIjqieBhXkhshQLJ75ZsHERGVT-9Vt6PAzwedPZvun3TDWRQaDbep6eUjfbAxzAMP1bga3dE3ZAJxCQFligAgcKVAJmn5MMvKw4ao8WYZs1KdwDCqqvCxl9IIPJpsS1LkzQQpBmEjmjuUPHTy65WVd3dxq5hOPgrqEPUIv1gOvSE6TmOGpqKvZd94JvkvqGszlueKbqSPvqlPNyPGEhg==&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyjlB1PYqtwKZxKhYMDqpcH6tgldcBooXzf7aGC4liV_lV-WXTudE_H1ADjGe4tOSDtjJAlPg9lk6QuZEh2tTipIqhE236CadGJEBBP98PGmOGAdKfCD8_GvZ9K_JTQcaOr9luHF3pKbMIskhQ26zwXudKXAAUp3TjyPfongYaCWCFi-2KVe57L5kzAMSQPyRODRs0UuR_xkV3A3M4UaKIeYYAGQray2-zniXA00QRaqk&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==>

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[State of Oregon]

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Questions about Tech-Talk?
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

WEB TOOL - Fill in "Non-fillable" Forms with PDFescape


I received a contract recently via email where I needed to add my signature and the date -- and then return it to the vendor. It was a PDF attachment. I had to:

1.  Print it out
2.  Sign and date it
3.  Scan the signed document
4.   Save it on my computer
5.  And finally attach the file to an outgoing email

Too many steps if you ask me!

Creating your own PDF's from Microsoft documents has become simple. All you need to do is choose "PDF" in the "Save as" step. This file type is preferable when sharing documents because it is universally viewable on almost any device.

But when you receive a PDF that does not have the "fillable form" capability, like a contract, agreement, or tax form… you shouldn't need to go through five steps to simply fill in the blanks.

And if you're like me, you don't want to invest in fancy (and expensive) PDF software, but you need to have a tool where you can fill out PDF documents easily.

So after a bit of research we found an online tool that will allow you to fill in PDF forms and save them quickly! It's called PDFescape.


This tool has both a web version and downloadable software. You can open an account (to keep documents) or use it without one. As with many web tools, there is a no-cost version that offers the basic functionality and an upgraded (paid) option. Let's explore what this tool can do at the free level.


Online Tool

With the online free version, you can:

·     Create and Edit basic PDF forms online
·     Fill in fields and add images (like signatures)
·     Print and Save as a PDF without watermarks
·     Save a maximum of 10 files that are up to 10 MB and/or 100 pages per file
·      Keep saved files in your account for up to 7 days
·     Download any files you have edited/filled in

Let’s Fill Out a Form

In this article we're focusing on the need to fill out a PDF form, save and download it. Using the basic/free, online option of PDFescape, it's easy to do.

To Use The Tool Without Opening an Account:

·     Go to https://www.pdfescape.com/windows/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyjlB1PYqtwKZTdOQXI1D--A14h-8iEihKIWEUlb6b6pLCk3o9cPv1ERyiG2PzD0IbrB3cd7Ba6vhHPdjCChQ3yI0DPnkHkBY_do7yMHdSkao&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==>.
·     Click on the big red button (Online).
·     Upload a PDF and follow the feature options below.

To Create and Use a Free Account:

·     Sign up for your account at https://www.pdfescape.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyjlB1PYqtwKZyWwwa1t_JJcUtzEE-fxklRk9PGZKImgNVTh9exQiOArAfY7L0dyv49woTbNmj28KEMY7G4JhQ6eYeqMe0GFNvw==&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==>.
·     You'll be taken to your "home" page where you can view files you've saved, or create new ones.
·     To fill in a PDF form, or add content (like a signature), click the Open button.


[open pdf]

Next, choose to Upload a PDF from your computer or an Internet page.

[PDFescape options]

Once the document opens you can:

·     Add Text
·     Upload an Image
·     Create a Hyperlink
·     Add Shapes... including a line, arrow, rectangle, circle or check-mark
·     Whiteout sections
·     Use the Freehand feature

NOTE: When you are inserting text or a shape, and once you have it highlighted, you'll have options to change the text font, size and color and the color of shapes.

In the example below, we have the 2nd page of a contract that needs to be signed and dated. We: 1) used the text option to add the date, 2) uploaded an image for the signature and 3) used the check-mark option to check a box in the form.


NOTE: When you move from one editing option to the next, click on the yellow bar at the top that shows "Click here to disable." (This stops that feature and lets you select another.)

TIP: Each time you use an editing option (text, image, check mark) you have to click the left mouse to make it show up ... to place it where you want it.

When you're finished adding content to the PDF or filling in a form, use the options in the left navigation to Save, Print, or Save and Download the file.

TIP: Watch the Tech-Talk video for a live demonstration of the steps above!


Communications: Body Language
Build trust ... try this eye contact exercise

It's not easy to look people squarely in the eye, is it? Most people are uncomfortable with this type of body language.

But of course we all know that shifting eyes are not desirable. Looking away when you're trying to talk to someone dramatically diminishes the effectiveness of what you are saying. So how can you strengthen this important technique?

Here's an exercise that can be used in team building for developing trust between co-workers ... or you can use it yourself. You can try it in a staff meeting or just with a colleague so that you can strengthen your eye contact power.

Eye Contact Exercise

·     Group in pairs (or choose a friend to do this)
·     Stand facing each other
·     Remove eyeglasses and sunglasses
·     Stare into your partner's eyes for at least 60 seconds

Don't worry about any giggles or awkwardness. This will pass with time.


[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Q_3yMYkRTjyXTgLGXLB7FRuM-M7aEJa7s7mQHIPuNq4sDlDNZHlSyiWBpq7UtBtvzbWDmJSU2XBLMzlrZCn3NYYp4j9iXpsLHpVWGRAMOZqmdyGmgp6MXXy06bFJFbEarQlGKtfd-_IKUUAJuJ0JGHfolGuf_Ui6ssJ_uNqFrb0=&c=I_UQrrjwbSz10Hq3lSqCMUcaam4uvM3iWED0PtasY0o5WSRDHhzrPg==&ch=gTtZus3V93Yuj-Y3e1S5dLnT_W6hD96NBLt-qWD3s1rCsiUwAmup7g==>

Copyright 1996-2018 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Do not forward this issue of Tech-Talk.com without prior permission from Shared Results International. Distribution is limited by contract. Forwarding it to unauthorized recipients constitutes copyright infringement.
For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Please do not forward. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on the Libs-OR or TechTalk mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to receive the weekly Tech-Talk newsletter!

This paid subscription service is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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