[techtalk] Tech-Talk: Graphics - New Icons That Let You Change The Color

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Wed Oct 9 09:48:21 PDT 2019

Greetings and welcome to this week’s issue of Tech-Talk!
ou can insert these into your PPT, Word and Excel apps


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 This Week's Topic: GRAPHICS
1. VIDEO ... New Icons That Let You Change The Color
2. ARTICLE ... New Icons That Let You Change The Color
3. COMMUNICATING ... "...enough information to make an intelligent decision."


Photo by Deanna Ritchie<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RDipLnFsVbRfIoHlmqkYRLOH3QMBoLdUvfcIn4KcBPqt9hwOuU3djajz9aNE8Xn_5gGLb_plXV60IM6UvbsSsdHsmifEo4HALN1V7iOsI-SPrH0u5ZtZfRw10BebO6bQkJd5CVLei5yWXKSFdSILyHGrOf8-6dV6vGDX1tuGD9HZ5xADwff273ARmj8TRvLXhw4xB10oceSRGPNBNhWt8wOhrUK5AR8aNIKjxf_mRmh5bd2u_bzOnyBrozwpTAcI9vMKcZmrJVU=&c=3rBTdggD5C-g6YhNwKPnfK54YfH3RK-1XcLYekCdFHJ95HmgYj7SEA==&ch=BQG39RYNd8YhtMC6Z-F82z-wlTV6l08YbzIvJF_UxkucYIsPtlQaqQ==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RDipLnFsVbRfIoHlmqkYRLOH3QMBoLdUvfcIn4KcBPqt9hwOuU3djajz9aNE8Xn_kA7aRvUePnJIVFk0ss_hZgVpB8jAp3rk1cx3CPFp1NxJxjNHh04fGlA6AQK4m9DIxtPEp84U0gqKqlUejK4HmZWhpFb8lTyAvkj61xVwdzZl4RqiIjSXhKWmx7nwaqDpHdUp1D-_PHJS36ArgWr9ogU00uy_0cvcwUriO73gM2JiS5hs7aaKc6f2CHumHnU7pYmBDflqMxs=&c=3rBTdggD5C-g6YhNwKPnfK54YfH3RK-1XcLYekCdFHJ95HmgYj7SEA==&ch=BQG39RYNd8YhtMC6Z-F82z-wlTV6l08YbzIvJF_UxkucYIsPtlQaqQ==>

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darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

GRAPHICS - New Icons That Let You Change the Color

I am looking for a way to make a presentation slide communicate my message without a lot of text so that it will pop. I know I can use pictures, but I prefer something a bit more subtle, while still reinforcing the words.

Then I remembered the new feature in Office 365 (in PowerPoint, Word, Excel) where I can add icons (that Microsoft provides right inside the program). There are hundreds of designs that I can use. (TIP: Don't have Office 365 yet? Read on as we offer a way to get free icons without it.)

What is Unique About These Icons?

These icons are special (they're not your typical graphical format) ... because they are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files.

This type of graphic format allows one to re-size and change the color of the icons without any loss of image quality. (You know how, when you take a normal JPG file and stretch it larger, the clarity suffers? Well, that doesn't happen with an SVG file.)

Here are some examples of how these icons can be used in slides.


Icons, Icons and More Icons

We see icons everywhere -- on our phones to identify an app, on our computer desktop to designate a program, and on websites to quickly communicate an idea.

Using icons in your slides (and documents) is a simple way to reinforce your message. They can:

·     Simplify your message.
·     Transcend language barriers.
·     Increase understanding.
·     Break the clutter on a page.
·     Add visual appeal.

Other things icons can do include...


Using Google Suite? That's OK because we offer a way to get free icons farther down.

Use Icons in Your Slides or Documents

PowerPoint (and other 365 applications) now makes adding icons to your slides easy. You don't have to go searching on the web, they are right inside the program.

These icons are free to use; there's no royalty or copyright.

It's easy to add them to a slide:

·     Go to the slide where you'd like to add one.
·     Click on the Insert tab and in the Illustrations section, click on the Icons option.

[insert icon]

The dialog box will open displaying categories on the left. Click on a category to take a look.

[icon options]

Or, you can use the Search feature in the upper left of the window to add a key word... to find what you need more quickly.

[icons search]

·     When you find an icon you want, mouse over it and click the circle to select it.
·     You can add more than one at a time.
·     Click Insert to add to your slide.

There are hundreds of options available from categories like technology, education, weather & seasons, location, and more….

Stylize Your Icons

Once you've inserted an icon or icons into your slide, you can customize them. Rotate the images, change the color or resize them without losing any of the image quality.

[stylize images]

In this example, we dressed up a meeting agenda slide with icons and changed the standard black icon color to white.

[icon example]

Icon Tips

·     Don't get carried away using icons, use them effectively, but sparingly.

·     Make sure if you're using multiple icons, that they are from one collection or series so that they have a consistent look.

·     Either use solid icons or colorful ones ... not both in the same place.

Here are examples of icon "sets." You don't want to mix and match icons from each set together as it wouldn't give a consistent look.

[different icon styles]

Use Icons in Different Documents

[re-use icon]

Once you have added icons to a PowerPoint presentation, you can extract them out to use in other places (like your email or website page). Here's how:

1.  Highlight the image, right-click and choose Save as Picture. It will save as a transparent image file.
2.  Or, you can right-click and copy and paste it into another application, although it will have a white background when copied.

TIP: If you have layered an icon with another shape, before you save or copy the image, you'll need to group the objects. Highlight the first, hold the shift key down to highlight the second object. With both highlighted, right-click and choose Group.

Why Are These Icons ONLY in Microsoft 365?

It seems strange to us that the only Microsoft software version that has this collection of icons is Office 365. As a guess, we suggest that perhaps this is an enticement to have more people switching to this subscription form of the office suite. Certainly the trend in the software industry is toward subscriptions instead of one-time purchases.

So What Can You Do If You Use Microsoft, Don't Have 365 ... Or Are Using The Google Suite Instead?

You can still use icons in your slides and docs if you have an older version of PowerPoint, Word or Excel... or if you use Google Slides or Docs.

One free (and low cost) option is IconFinder.com. See the article in Tech-Talk here, https://www.tech-talk.com/website-iconfinder-com.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RDipLnFsVbRfIoHlmqkYRLOH3QMBoLdUvfcIn4KcBPqt9hwOuU3djajz9aNE8Xn_aRELJ5QUaejgdrRHg5ADEP_c3rY_Wba4xFgy1YXi8fTsGAI1mZzT1xUXY0BRdmEL0uJj_VBcTP1hZmkhMaSoP5wVR7XYSLMZtToV6cuT5G1oYwKCO6w3XA==&c=3rBTdggD5C-g6YhNwKPnfK54YfH3RK-1XcLYekCdFHJ95HmgYj7SEA==&ch=BQG39RYNd8YhtMC6Z-F82z-wlTV6l08YbzIvJF_UxkucYIsPtlQaqQ==>

TIP: Are you a little fuzzy about Office 365? You may have it available and not be using it thinking it is something different from your desktop version. Without a double, the cloud and the desktop apps are becoming more and more integrated. Re-read our article on Office 365<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RDipLnFsVbRfIoHlmqkYRLOH3QMBoLdUvfcIn4KcBPqt9hwOuU3djajz9aNE8Xn_4Q6AhSBznYwTJMZ9jqF3w61EXU8_NR3F3Q5sSf5erXcb-KSU38L5OtOr5J_cytCrwV0EiFQh0a6pmrKYrfloVcsX-jsEpqK9LKF6u8LGuvbBC2KV4UhG3CtS9bOnZP5pVeGWcUitlZY=&c=3rBTdggD5C-g6YhNwKPnfK54YfH3RK-1XcLYekCdFHJ95HmgYj7SEA==&ch=BQG39RYNd8YhtMC6Z-F82z-wlTV6l08YbzIvJF_UxkucYIsPtlQaqQ==> to gain insight and/or talk to your IT professional.


Communication: Requests
Convince someone to invest time, with respect

Whenever you want to ask someone to meet with you, you're requesting them to give up some of their time for you.

There are times when you may need to convince someone to put you on their calendar, especially if you're going to ask for something. Here's a phrase that can be useful, regardless of the topic you're going to discuss.

Using this phrase entices the individual to agree to the meeting because you're showing respect.

Here's the phrase:

"... you'll have enough information to make an intelligent decision."


·     "Let's meet next week on my project proposals. That way you'll have enough information to make an intelligent decision about how to proceed."

·     "Can we get together to show you what we've created so that you'll have enough information to make an intelligent decision on the next steps?"

TIP: If you feel that the word "intelligent" is not the best choice for your particular situation, consider using "informed."


[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RDipLnFsVbRfIoHlmqkYRLOH3QMBoLdUvfcIn4KcBPqt9hwOuU3djUniixW2O7GrAjYqinDyF4KMHT7IwVAndMfxOpXiufTQelUsmTumwY11LUiFeEl_wuFX6NNUcGLXW4JsyJ7_7I58yEGk1bvTARRuD6nGjwzmGWPAfDeLBmM=&c=3rBTdggD5C-g6YhNwKPnfK54YfH3RK-1XcLYekCdFHJ95HmgYj7SEA==&ch=BQG39RYNd8YhtMC6Z-F82z-wlTV6l08YbzIvJF_UxkucYIsPtlQaqQ==>

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For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>.

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Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527| www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
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