[techtalk] Online Meetings – Add Some Fun!

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue Jul 21 14:51:58 PDT 2020

Greetings and welcome to this week’s issue of Tech-Talk!
Ways to make add a little creativity to your online meetings...



Extended through AUGUST: If your library, school or academic institution doesn't already have an unlimited Tech-Talk license for your STUDENTS, FACULTY and PATRONS, you can get one for free during this shutdown. APPLY HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4JrzjkzlJftEerJJrv_1KHPvpUqRQOrXnbkU7FHG0_9WSjJjvllcvhENMRyzZzSw_L_px-vCo0EwGHBRNHObYCvcFuUeJnOgoMWSxjTkho3uKqeXZ1vmxdM_L74=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>.


·     July 29: Adding Music & Sound to YouTube Videos, PPTs and G-Slides
·     Aug 12: Effortless Resources to Create Infographics
·     Aug 26: Excel Spreadsheet Manipulation ... Lots of Pages, One Workbook

Register Here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4JrzjtQT2GDCzWy4MkzSXnUPx2NiSh-C8Wra1se3rr5x0CCvTL98dy50DP-7uWDiJL2rhDOFt6mq_47JrfP8rZYTIkGejXC6NL6SW8AF1PzU8m1g&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

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 This Week's Topic: Online Meetings

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ...Add Some Fun to Online Meetings
2. COMMUNICATING ... Go the extra mile
3. LEADERSHIP ... Where do the GREAT ideas come from?

[online meetings]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFVcAnkGTSBeFAywZzVNqt_-7ntia-tQudziYd4qS7ajh2Di_VM9j4jPNQxIpnwgDpNX-s83hMhwxYBXfpaFefhWVksn5C_hFtCfcJDgkJKMSl-crHPtoSAtG0SnfVvXJ6&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

Photo by alan King<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFL6IAUVVl_pxahpbAniAH0wUMZ_a0lwAxiHQzgfIln6GGITclfXwq6IFoJCcq8SYnRUoMfVrd-UI9O9Rwo0c401f5o0JJm38PZ7OmY9j8hOHXbG_lE7KMxiTptBrotNrGJB6g1vBt6KXeQbpiaNTNxW4TIQVXsFlG2cfr9haZwjG3wSwooibjKwZnWDaZLfAY_9eaKBQaBYE=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvF0_KzoCQA9LAbMuCifyegCkBIPQW_8rbI26fXw3-88CaWDpy5_V-Ok75yr10ZDo-81dQsaRqFL-x2VLeGeFXH99Hqhaw3KrHije2i9ZU4oSxyn9Bt0KDDk2cA-VZ8DCSJLG14teWGWAK8i5rYIpyKsUCTB6aEhb68zBP_UnAh33E-zHV-sBBsPHlR-PiUxeYF1wSPs9HTHkm4x3Ofk9ZzoQ==&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

Brought To You By State Library of Oregon

[State of Oregon]

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Questions about Tech-Talk?
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>


[online meetings]

I was talking to my brother-in-law the other day who works as a college Dean. He had his whole day booked with online meetings … meeting after meeting. He was "Zooming" all day long! I could hear the weariness in his voice just talking about it.

Well… online meetings are not going away soon as we continue to socially distance.

However, if you facilitate these calls there are things you can do to liven and lighten things up a bit! It doesn't always need to be ultra-professional.

Here are a few ways to bake some fun into your meetings periodically to increase morale and make your next Zoom, Google Meet or other type of video call memorable.

After all, connection, community, and communication have never been more important than they are right now.

Virtual Bingo (and Other Games)

Provide a Virtual Meetings Bingo card (like the one below) to the meeting attendees ahead of time (download the Bingo card here from BDX<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvF881M9HOq6_l8L-DqQO8CPAvZayDLoQ-UHx25dpjGOYG3NR7EMZc1148FsGft-sFYodGY95gTYo99yUgtJeNwY6MFIpETNjOGLMgFoNhkauo8cZWDzhx_CDx3cYrwKDWueQObO-aKGlgVa7T2J_EFfkkPnkUp4RzbbnzOXvBRFAE=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>). Or, use this card as an example to create your own that's specific to your group. The fun part about this is that you can play Bingo during a "regular" meeting – to perk things up a bit.

Other games that work online that could be incorporated into 20 minutes of a regular call, or a separate "fun" meeting are Charades and Would You Rather. Or hold a Zoom Trivia Night. Get ready-to-go questions and answers at www.randomtriviagenerator.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFQNu0wOUKUdKJ6LrdTlVHY9eg2_sVvYuj4V6HqGPaUhK98jJmJgVOPfFclFbQNsz0FUgF_-Y9TNSC9MCiRTGDtcTgHriJ2Q-c&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

You could have a fun prize like a $10 Starbucks gift card for the winner to add a bit of competition!



Are you working with a new group? Try to build team rapport and trust by starting each meeting using one of these great icebreakers provided by Conceptboard<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvF2RLLMI9onZtkU6hGGaHYYhnneN7DalvFF-MXPqGbnWDUQ3dDH6Dn-2pul2AM8Qj3u2Mz1z4FkZBAWg5UFOYdEEI-zmX-ykbkhxLlKEkVOgXHZcBRygalcqTJ3Xg2bQVXJUHviY_s0aY=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>. Here are a few ideas:

Two Truths and a Lie: Each participant writes down three statements about themselves (two are true, one is not). Attendees try and guess the lie. Use post-it-notes (or scraps of paper) so that everyone can show (via video) their answers at the same time.

Choose Your Favorite: Have team members answer a few personal questions to get to know each other. Who is your favorite villain? What are your favorite pizza toppings? What is your least favorite household chore?

NOTE: In these Ice Breaker scenarios, the ConceptBoard tool can be used as outlined in their article<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvF2RLLMI9onZtkU6hGGaHYYhnneN7DalvFF-MXPqGbnWDUQ3dDH6Dn-2pul2AM8Qj3u2Mz1z4FkZBAWg5UFOYdEEI-zmX-ykbkhxLlKEkVOgXHZcBRygalcqTJ3Xg2bQVXJUHviY_s0aY=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>.

Home Scavenger Hunt

During long meetings, you may already have breaks scheduled in to stretch, refill your coffee, etc… Try using a quick break for a "Home" Scavenger Hunt.

Attendees take a break and search their home (or office) for particular items. Here's a short list of things that they can snap a picture of ... to share with your group (or bring back to the virtual meeting to show).

Download this list from Swiftkickhq.com here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFoRu4-LcA9JMM80P9JfQw2qSaLK_TyN86M1gFRzIEhV9cWl2sbZgGU0gXppiNFYL5Xil4PsQ-FaIi7q404Y7PgShipyM-Qd_OZ0pyTpZYxXsPeuoJDeAeNuvUoXv17etPvH6uPC-7cEN5ztVNpR4IxVbxG6FF7iit&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>.

[Home Scavenger hunt]

Create a Meeting "Dress" Theme

[dress up]

Add some humor and creativity to your next meeting. Ask attendees (in advance) to "dress up" in themes... like Hawaiian, formal wear, favorite team shirt, crazy hat, etc…

Image credit<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFtxCS9vjSWYbtiU7c8QCq4l4v-cnwvJr8uADSD0Cr2QXIf8RgZa7JRWZsNCrhHGSb3FrXVL8GW-7mb4ekqfA-gui77FW441HxPMlSoHsfrTA=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

Background Contest


Zoom (and other online meeting platforms) allow you to upload a picture to use as your background. (See this Tech-Talk article<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4JrzjpisCoa25Eb_iIx9v_7-g9fmYxhwDaxPOrgYYvowxr7ji7bfZr0irNljPuMFkS1KUf9Y8uKqGJ6XbsybX41pXGT0aVBTKxEn-W_oSb7JERX4-X9x9-C97j2dkwbNAs55l1LK5sSV5WBy&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==> for ideas where to get these types of images). To the left is a background image of Deborah on The Tonight Show.

Ask each participant ahead of time to find a picture to use in the background. Ideas could range from TV shows, adventurous vacation shots to historical pics. At the end of the meeting take a vote on the winner. Depending on how many people are in the meeting, there could be categories like "funniest" or "most bizarre."

Stage a Group Photo

End your meeting on a fun note! Ask everyone to pose (maybe with a silly face or creative hat) and snap a screenshot in the Gallery View (grid where you see everyone).

All of these ideas are designed to build some rapport with your team – even if you can't be together in person.


Communications: Talking
It's time to go the extra mile ... past the masks!

Have you noticed that folks are a bit on edge and more self-contained because of the social distancing and mask wearing?

It's hard (no, impossible) to see someone smile behind the face covering. So, it's time to go above and beyond in communicating to others that you're friendly ... that you're willing to be helpful.

How can you smile when no one sees your mouth?

Here are a few things you can do to convey a positive approach to communicating so that others will feel good about their interaction with you.

·     Smile ... YES, smile. Sure they can't see the upward corners of your mouth, BUT they will feel your goodwill. And when you smile, it helps your eyes be warmer. It makes your voice sound more friendly. It puts you in a good mood.

·     Smize<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFoEuCsG0_l5g9OuLADgtHBMCASxvTdhfaFaRVRlvcZ7oTk4CLBdgJ0lFFMAhgeelT5N-kjCAEdN2UKwF7TUTEWmVv1OKsrfI1niQT5pjSyCFCxqWg_Vef-A==&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==> ... This is smiling with your eyes ... a term created by Tyra Banks to help models communicate in a photo. Don't let those two eyeballs be unexpressive. Make them show a happy (or at least friendly) message.

·     Speak ... with a lilt. Intentionally put a lighter sound to your voice that expresses warmth and friendliness. It will do wonders.

Story: Taking in a prescription for ear medicine, I found it was quite expensive. By using the three techniques above, the pharmacist happily found a better deal for me.

We don't need to wait for times when we need something from others. We can all smile, smize and speak in ways that support others and helps lift them up ... with or without masks.


Everyone can have GREAT ideas

True Story: Iroquois Job Corp Center

Background: Job Corps is a voluntary program administered by the United States Department of Labor offering free education and vocational training to young men and women ages 16 to 24.

Situation: We were brought in to work with the staff. They were trying to make sure every single person was on the same page with the vision ("All our students are future Hall of Famers") and that each person and team, regardless of level, knew what they could do to achieve that desired state.

Without exception, each team came up with useful, insightful and doable ideas … because they knew where the opportunities were. Being in the trenches gave them great insight into the problems and solutions.

One example was the kitchen crew (who perceived themselves at the bottom of the hierarchy), but who readily came up with an idea. It was to offer at least one healthy recipe at each meal – instead of the usual fast food fare.

They also came up with a way to get the students involved with the idea. They knew that eating better would lead to sharper minds, less carb fogginess … which in turn would result in higher grades and better job placements.

Did it work? Overall Ranking of the Center moved from 116th (out of 118, third from the bottom) to 54th. That's 62 rungs up the ladder … a 47% improvement in six months.

A challenge for you: What can you do to tap into the ideas from those who are in the trenches? Share your ideas here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4Jrzjog97EgqtPvFPoedZJMHm5YcVissiEz86aDLHE7nAUvSdNyzLhmi1aOyeivuiCPQT93DedjfImUdly0wSwZrTPxZd0KmoHfZoGME4FbZa1-G7VLZ46BoOfF6KjRZitcUxQvN0VIBXNjr&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==> ... so that others can see and be inspired.


[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbOs6NG5WXlDY30egjxevpBJZqpxXlgqDSt2SFWHryBANtCJ4JrzjlvivsxHNfTYuLuGQ4L34ayNCyhGKTb0f4L04hJg2mUrx7s6izRu4kiXftsQ_5fj3-UoNXGx92CvvowQgBWxYMdzDgZ28JRi8b7C7ycBJGhzblDt80Kix5E=&c=BgdEro6IPaczjH75BM2J8JB7dNEgRlNbc6pAPijFhH6i5SOQJ7pYMg==&ch=CaDhC4gE6b3DvifLJKXr1bWsvPZj4sjHV1h5bTKfCzR6jmbpF9q5Tw==>

Copyright 1996-2020 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527| www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Tumblr<http://www.statelibraryor.tumblr.com/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>

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