[techtalk] WEB TOOL - Send Large Files with Dropbox Transfer

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Aug 4 13:16:14 PDT 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
Share large files that are too big to email


This Week's Topic: WEB TOOL

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Send Large Files with Dropbox Transfer
2. COMMUNICATING ... "No problem"
3. LEADERSHIP ... Share information vs. assuming everyone knows

·     Aug 4: [GRAPHICS] 8 Ways in SnagIt to Improve Your Image Captures
·     Aug 18: [OFFICE] Add Speed & Polish When Working with Office Documents
·     Sep 29th: [WEBSITES] HotJar, a Free Tool to Analyze Website Traffic

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Photo by Ian Cumming<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001etbrYnkpb8nU7Zn6CxXV2pajo8JGNuWUNsKHNsyw-P8FHHxX9yBtoAOVduPWZR28-geIRyKcDr3X9EcqdfW8ayAU0kabpuhlgrqkW_vab6sFVDnxXX8NkvX3pxGuTTXAFU-5LtrAfZGQ4UEn_6Faog9MlAlk6lApE6FYUaayDLcC690lRUlI7Ml383WSQyhGIb_JAZEQ_Cld_DL1nLJUpkoPKi7pHBDQYSBw8VpsyiCC1ROzb_CmaqxiH3z35PZ7PrD5UgwUZXQ=&c=G1CSe0Jjfvkn5IfRR-Ngt9tswPQtg01mBL1YUJZDN9wQ79mdem7vsw==&ch=9gkh7vA00IZjY0XcdSBfvTNIlRmgUQz3lChH5SxJT6dnXjH-W9HF9Q==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001etbrYnkpb8nU7Zn6CxXV2pajo8JGNuWUNsKHNsyw-P8FHHxX9yBtoAOVduPWZR28pUrnWyG_dxD_Brano5hjidcp3deU273SmJNtb37fb4VE7ZHVY7FGwdjAoFVneAg1CHSMWWQ09quvCR2dtJrNcDUEFVLYtLKkzkm-DrJbq8YJ8G2q1TLcuVBKHuuvbqE3eluKgIcldSuk9cj1guTY4_EWqI-fF8rwN9QSryrPLje2O7eM72YvFSrLohuiayUIIq1yZspadmwsnCqgcdQOdg==&c=G1CSe0Jjfvkn5IfRR-Ngt9tswPQtg01mBL1YUJZDN9wQ79mdem7vsw==&ch=9gkh7vA00IZjY0XcdSBfvTNIlRmgUQz3lChH5SxJT6dnXjH-W9HF9Q==>


WEB TOOL - Send Large Files with Dropbox Transfer

I am working on a presentation with a colleague which we are planning to give together. Of course, we have to share the development of the PowerPoint which means going back and forth with changes. However, there comes a time when the file becomes too large to email to each other.

I would usually set up a Dropbox folder for shared files, but since this was a short-term, one-of-a-kind project, I found a better way. We can use a new Dropbox product for "sending" large files to each other called Dropbox Transfer. And the best part is the recipient doesn't need a Dropbox account!

[share files]

You see, sometimes you just need to hand-off large files, maybe outside of your organization, and not give others access to whole folders. The files can be too large to send as an email attachment.

Dropbox's normal service is based on sharing and syncing the same files between multiple users via a single cloud drive (see how here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001etbrYnkpb8nU7Zn6CxXV2pajo8JGNuWUNsKHNsyw-P8FHHxX9yBtoLF3zJerqRX4YfzPG0YXEq4SkP9zfGMqzqBn-7BVO-Hj3eap_uU-kTIghgeOz8bKE_DXCi-uk2f3Cf1Ur-rlai9YaKifBY7LCpRrJPYVRuxmyoOiGIXM7RggSze1VMrBX8nnJNAenOWghovJ7yAVmxM=&c=G1CSe0Jjfvkn5IfRR-Ngt9tswPQtg01mBL1YUJZDN9wQ79mdem7vsw==&ch=9gkh7vA00IZjY0XcdSBfvTNIlRmgUQz3lChH5SxJT6dnXjH-W9HF9Q==>). TIP: Don't use Dropbox and want to give it a try? They DO have a free level.

Now, I've used other file transfer platforms before (see a previous Tech-Talk article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001etbrYnkpb8nU7Zn6CxXV2pajo8JGNuWUNsKHNsyw-P8FHHxX9yBtoD3EoYUV2uuURF2OI57b63B4osrPBOM70KxUgu9zL_x-HlkeeUcpYUeWdrr0NB3OQD3xxExiMakxS-1BPIgWie_RDNe6UXtARObAacMEcMMzavm-vjnGd_6-mSE9pLvVRjvmqRRDwwi2j9kWY56kj6w=&c=G1CSe0Jjfvkn5IfRR-Ngt9tswPQtg01mBL1YUJZDN9wQ79mdem7vsw==&ch=9gkh7vA00IZjY0XcdSBfvTNIlRmgUQz3lChH5SxJT6dnXjH-W9HF9Q==> on these types of services). However, the big difference between Dropbox Transfer and other file-sharing platforms is the size of files you can send. Dropbox Transfer lets you send files up to 100 GB (for free). While other file transfer services cap their limits between 100 MB -10GBs.

How Dropbox Transfer Works

There are times when you need to share large files – like maybe with a professional printer, a graphics designer, or in this case, a colleague. They get a copy of the file. Your original one stays intact.

With Dropbox Transfer you can easily upload files to their cloud storage and send a link to someone to download the file. The documents don't have to be in your Dropbox account, they could be saved on your computer.

REMEMBER: A Dropbox account is not required for the recipient to access or download a transfer.

There are two ways to initiate a transfer, 1) from your online Dropbox account, or 2) right from the files on your Desktop.

Transfer From Your Dropbox Online Account


1. Sign in to Dropbox.com<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001etbrYnkpb8nU7Zn6CxXV2pajo8JGNuWUNsKHNsyw-P8FHHxX9yBtoAOVduPWZR28KYCaAvA3oh2bZGycjVT6jF6adj26aXT_IQzbnNUjZQ9tG-TCU343u5bC2o75OeEcyKSE19D89dEG3jVa2CBkpw==&c=G1CSe0Jjfvkn5IfRR-Ngt9tswPQtg01mBL1YUJZDN9wQ79mdem7vsw==&ch=9gkh7vA00IZjY0XcdSBfvTNIlRmgUQz3lChH5SxJT6dnXjH-W9HF9Q==> and click the grid icon in the top-left corner and select Transfer from the menu that appears.

2. Click Create transfer.

[transfer files]

3. Now you can either:

·     Click the plus icon to select a file from your computer,

·     Drag and drop files or folders from your computer, or

·     Click Add from Dropbox.

4. Click the pencil icon to enter a name for your transfer, or keep the default (this is helpful when reviewing it in your online account to see if the recipient opened the file).

[name the transfer]

[transfer settings]

5. Click the gear icon to set an expiration date or password. Transfers are set to expire after 7 days. (Professional, Business Advanced, Enterprise, and Education levels have the option to add a password and increase the expiration, up to one year.)

6. Check the box to be notified when someone downloads the file if you'd like.

7. Click Done, then Create Transfer.

8. A link will be created for access to the file. Just copy it and email or message it to your recipient. Or use the Dropbox email platform to send it by clicking the "Send with email" link.

[copy link]

Create a Transfer From Your Computer

NOTE: You DO need to have the Dropbox Desktop app installed on your computer for this method.


1. In your computer's File Explorer, navigate to the file (or folder) that you would like to share. NOTE: It doesn't have to be in your Desktop Dropbox folder, it can be anywhere on your computer.

2. Right-click the file or folder you'd like and click Send with Transfer.

3. Follow steps 4-8 above.

See If Your Transfer Was Viewed or Downloaded

After you initiate a transfer, you'll receive an email notifying you when someone has downloaded your file (if you checked that option). To see the number of times it was viewed or downloaded:

·     Sign in to your Dropbox.com account online.
·     Again, click the grid icon in the top-left corner and choose Transfer from the menu.
·     In the lower portion of the screen, you will see the Active transfer names and the number of Views and/or Downloads.

[download history]


Communication: Talking
"No problem"

One of our readers suggested writing a communication tip about people saying "no problem" in response to requests or suggestions.

To her, it feels as if the answer lacks graciousness. It often sounds sulky, negative, reluctant. She would much prefer, when she asks, or tells, a colleague to do something, to hear, "I'd be happy to" or "OK, that's great" instead of "No problem."

At first, I had trouble wrapping my mind around the negative aspect of this type of reply. It nagged at me so I started paying attention to it when heard it or said it myself. I wondered, does it come across as negative?

My conclusion is that it very much depends on the situation and the tone of voice. But, at the same time, I could argue that, switching my response to something more supportive will always sound more gracious. And that would be a good thing!


Share information vs. assuming everyone knows

One of the biggest problems with communication in the workplace is "assuming" others know.

No matter what it is ... the vision of the organization, the purpose of an upcoming team meeting or the goal of a particular task ... people tend to shut others out inadvertently by not sharing info.

Assuming others already know, and therefore not articulating the news that you have, puts people and projects at risk.

When you have information (regardless if you are in a management position or not) consider passing it on. When we share what we know, we empower each other. Our goals are achieved more easily. Trust is strengthened. Respect is built.

All kinds of good things happen when we show people we care that they are in the information loop!

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Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

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