[techtalk] GRAPHICS - Part 1: Image & Video Editor and More With SnagIt

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Aug 10 16:17:39 PDT 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
Do more with your screen captures and images


This Week's Topic: GRAPHICS

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Part 1: Image & Video Editor and More With SnagIt
2. COMMUNICATING ... A new twist on "no problem"
3. LEADERSHIP ... Gain trust and buy-in with "so that"
·     Aug 18: [OFFICE] Add Speed & Polish When Working with Office Documents
·     Sep 15: [COMM.] Write Professionally to Convince and Be Understood
·     Sep 29: [WEBSITES] HotJar, a Free Tool to Analyze Website Traffic

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Photo by Dennis Buchner<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrK55719_deX20MSgjoLPf457DQ26ZNjtDc5LmeeALbUcpfwo_aPLyCplaggJDymNGxtenKq5-4Ut27QoAo-hZpZH4xzJMdHV58flrQXvB2zEJboovP4rVTB_mo7kv2-cc43PoIAUKmKQqCxbexfGd9-ETDMFUhRFRJAVv5Eleljwysr_3HmZhiJDcooTItARJ0mD2vQKteKk&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrK55719_deX2AVsws9ZwehlJHFLBok867DVEp5hXFCVwkATcOc730DWc1a2C3-rSUiG5UxhYPSAhD1Pjb0wID_8DW19ZOukOuMg01PYdJLJNEqAAtTAwLh2D_jK0EbSHAbH_OzMPmHyqe27uJKrTFRJVinXZ5RQS7uyujXXwTUSoWxTEJTV9V6xN8FWSb9pWaLOqAdlRHhmufxjoSfWkIz1PwAMfCd8nzQ==&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==>


GRAPHICS - Part 1: Image & Video Editor and More With SnagIt

If you work with graphics at all (and who doesn't?), SnagIt is a must-have for your tool belt. We use this software throughout the entire day because it is helpful with any image you're using… pictures, videos, screen captures.


SnagIt is a screen capture, screen recording and image editing tool used to "take a picture or video" of what is on your screen. You can then edit it at that time ... or you can use the software to edit any image you have whenever you want.

Yes, there's a small one-time cost (with discounts for non-profits, government and schools) but we use it continuously so we want you to know about it.

Here are some special things we do with it:

·     Capture pictures of “how-to” steps for our articles
·     Edit the free images we get from sites like Unsplash.com to add color and spice to the newsletter and database
·     Communicate with our tech folks, snagging a problem on the screen so they can see the issue

We've written about SnagIt in the past and presented a "Getting Started" webinar. See the article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrCgvyhtdXXfQpiJ36Ff0n7fN5D_kcS8tgKv74qabYF5dY-9upkaEO1R-yPcEvfCndEHcsXEB79uoSL-5KV0oy61by1Xi9YXh7hxLpfDtJ5qn2ZyeOoyDpZ4BqL-duyhYSfe_yMNMDDznFyOvHCAz7R2n7hEXq13oJ8KQ3S4IsTqN&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==> and webinar recording<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrGh7KYf6pPeTK1pBOwEVABuQ1KtCAyWLegcYbLQ8fxY3WkEGNsEP6DARIDVR4Fk7HXvIdVym8HJmZ0D1_rBZK9HflGpar6oDENIE5W0ny9suGcRkZvJPvd2_KNZaldoho_npUbV06ME122rL4W2nC99AnyFHP4DzvAL3_8SkC9tKzbMS-qBIlWw=&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==>.

In this TWO-PART article, we're focusing on AFTER taking a snag or when you need to edit an image (crop, re-size, etc...). We'll dive deeper and show you how to:


1. Move and remove parts of the image with autofill

2. Add Callouts: arrows, shapes and speech bubbles

3. Use the Step tool to document workflows or a series of steps

4. Blur or pixelate sensitive parts of an image

And in Part II (next week), watch for:

5. Swap specific colors with the replacement tool
6. Rearrange items in your screenshot with Smart Move
7. Use Perspective to view your image at a different angle
8. Customize the Ribbon and create Quick Styles to get to your favorites faster

BONUS! Use the Grab Text feature to extract text from an image and paste into a document.

First, a Quick Tour of the SnagIt Editor

There are TWO Main Parts to SnagIt:

·     The Capture Window – Where you initiate a screen capture and adjust the settings to determine what kind of “capture” you’d like.
·     The Edit Window – Where you can edit your image or video and save (where we are exploring in this article).

Let's Look at the Edit Window:

NOTE: See the Step Tool (the circled numbers) being used in the image below to show you where each numbered item can be found within SnagIt.

1.  Library - View and organize your capture history.
2.  Canvas - Working area to preview and edit captures, and the background of images.
3.  Toolbar – Contains the editing tools.
4.  Share - Share captures to online file storage, social media, or other business apps.
5.  Quick Styles - Use or save custom styles that you create.
6.  Properties - Adjust the properties to customize an editing tool.
7.  Effects Panel – Different from editing tools, click the effects button to view the options to customize add-ins like arrows or callouts.
8.  Recent Captures Tray - The tray shows the recent image captures, video captures, and other files opened or edited in Snagit Editor.

[Snagit edit window]

The SnagIt Editor – Take Your Captures to a Different Level

1. Move and Remove Parts of the Image with Autofill

This option lets you eliminate (cut out) parts of your image and keep the background from the picture intact so there's not a transparent "hole" in the image. SnagIt is smart. It detects the background and replaces it where the piece you cut out is.

·     Take your snag. In the edit window, in the top tool editor, click the Selection icon.

·     In the Tool Properties window on the right, choose the shape of tool (square, ellipse, polygon or freehand) you want to use to cut a section out of your image.

·     Change the Background Fill to Auto-Fill (if it is not already). This will tell SnagIt to replace the section you are cutting out to the surrounding background color.

[remove part of an image]

[remove part of an image]

·     For a solid background color, you can leave the "Optimize for" setting at Speed. For an image that has a more complicated background, change it to Photo Quality.

·     Now select the area in the image you want to cut out and hit the delete key. The area you cut out should be replaced with the background color.

NOTE: If there are a variety of colors (or gradation) SnagIt will do it's best to determine the right shade, but it might not be perfect.

View Tips 2 - 4 in the Online Article...

2. Add Callouts: arrows, shapes and speech bubbles
3. Use the Step tool to document workflows or a series of steps
4. Blur or pixelate sensitive parts of an image

Click Here to View the Full Article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrK55719_deX22msVKG6L1rubc7H43bLyzyc7dUhoR-3JML54wjZCAaIB8OoSmMAqonC_PRTEHTkvl0dd2uX95Zpzbvg7-qLMQsTE_xA1yOQqgGL0Y2FJ6QsqJA5zREMOr_LUN4s-Qn9ZNHOheioeoF8QXGBMMl0pBGn7v8afPl1D&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==>

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Communication: Talking
A new twist on saying "no problem"

Just what we thought! There is a difference of opinion on whether or not a reply of "no problem" when someone says "thank-you" is positive.

And would you believe, the difference is generational.

One of our readers, Jen Finkle, brought this quite interesting article <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrK55719_deX26jT2j1XlXJ_UFEocrG3BUGHNcEgoiYNp6o7pDrJw2jiyHkxy__EL30JyQ2JR1X2HT1MXVNOINJlmKSBU58dz379tO7qPg6TCDOY-7eCGBBMZbFb-x9zbWgHU947ALCPLTwmKuv5RFfRR5DmB-fheyzsnkv9UqA4n&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==> to our attention that explains a bit about why Millennials and Baby Boomers perceive this reply differently.

Jen did such an excellent job of explaining, I'm going to share her comment directly with you for your appreciation.

"I would wager that the reader who was irked by "no problem" as a response to "thank you" is older than me!

There's a section about the generational difference in responses to "Thank you" in Gretchen McCulloch's book Because Internet; Understanding the New Rules of Language.

Basically, "you're welcome" and "no problem" responses are seen as either genuine or facetious depending on the generation of the speaker and recipient... BUT the assignation of sincerity is reversed between baby boomers and millennials!

Here's a posting of the relevant excerpt:

https://allthingslinguistic.com/post/124189121619/no-problem-vs-youre-welcome <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrK55719_deX26jT2j1XlXJ_UFEocrG3BUGHNcEgoiYNp6o7pDrJw2jiyHkxy__EL30JyQ2JR1X2HT1MXVNOINJlmKSBU58dz379tO7qPg6TCDOY-7eCGBBMZbFb-x9zbWgHU947ALCPLTwmKuv5RFfRR5DmB-fheyzsnkv9UqA4n&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==>

Working in a library where I am frequently thanked for my assistance over various media and in person, I realized that my default (especially verbally) was the millennially-sincere "no problem," and made a conscious effort to switch to the non-generationally biased "happy to help."

I've also found that the non-contracted, superlative "You are most welcome" lacks the potential for a sarcastic interpretation... at least to my millennial ears!"

-Jen Finkle, Senior Library Assistant
Round Lake Libraries
Southern Adirondack Library System
Capital District Library System, New York


Gain trust and buy-in with "so that"

You know how young kids go through the phase of saying, "why?" to almost everything you say? They want to know! People naturally like hearing the reason for statements, requests and directives.

Too often we race through our days telling people all sorts of things without giving an explanation. "Please do this," "Don't do that," "Will you help me with ..."?

If you want a higher rate of acceptance, understanding and engagement to your ideas, add the words "so that ..." and put something after them. Almost always it's a benefit.

·     "Please do this so that we can get out of here early."
·     "Don't do it now so that we can show the movers what needs to be protected."
·     "Will you help me with this so that I can have some assistance?"

You will notice on the last example above that the reason or benefit you give doesn't always have to be significant. Just using the "so that" followed by something ... will gain a lot of cooperation.

Look for ways of tacking on a "so that" to many of your sentences so that you can see what happens.

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uvFK5wYK3NIAnnTnUdPWpdDdAJ4etd2wC3JhgOmb8CHNIDXyMeVLrCu3hjHTO646dgIy09iSdqAXkIR6evDw6Lnv2Aj7xaPuOW8b1pJDaEoNbiRWK2WapvawwLO6yr-GtjpvwkxihcThtpG4fS0cFB6p6mM-bcj_NZyh36EnOUo=&c=rXtgoH825YVTuhuF7vRDGZ1Rx9Qef5-VZ_avblQCaSueYfilZPFFoQ==&ch=wuEkYLoYZGSg9t4YIUAfIT2XWnyUL_QnahaBzzhmvXZ14jmmdCa-bw==>

Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

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